Sunday, January 17

remodeling me...

I'm going on hiatus for a while from the blog to work on my most important piece of art.  Me.  Thanks to all who read my poetry and random ramblings.  I'll be back before too long. 


Tuesday, January 5


messing up is easy
clean up ain't too tough either
but admitting
ain't so simple
unless you're a poet
then you can write a poem that simply says:
I fucked up.

Monday, January 4

Blog Poetr Slam 37: New Beginnings

I decided to start the Blog Poetry Slam back up for the new year; I really miss it.  As always the rules are for you to write a poem in the coments about the given topic for the week.  This week the topic is: "New Beginnings". You can write any kind of poem that hits your spirit: short, long, haiku, serious, or silly.  I can't wait to see what you guys come up with.  My poem will follow after the picture.  Happy writing!

(Click here for examples of past Blog Poetry Slams)

haiku series:

it is a new year
but i'm faced with the same shit
time for a new plan

even good soldiers
know there's a time to retreat
rethink battle plans

battle is over
and this time I didn't win
but there's still the war


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