Monday, July 20

Blog Poetry Slam 24: Natural Disaster

Miss me? So did I! I had missed me and needed an e-breather. I had to deal with some life issues and made some big leaps and bounds in some areas of my life that I am sure I will share eventually. So if you are not my facebook friend then you haven't seen much of me on these internets... If I have neglected some people, I would like to now personally apologize and I will be getting back to each and every one of you personally.

So now to something I have greatly missed: our poetry blog slams!

This is the 24th installment of my weekly Blog Poetry Slam, so glad you stopped on by. I thought maybe today we can write poems about natural disasters. Attack it from any angle. Do you accept the challenge? I am gonna share a piece after the picture and another in the comments, please join me... I look forward to reading your poems, they can be short (even haiku), long, serious, or funny: it's up to you! Happy Writing!

I also recorded this if you want to listen, I smashed two poems together:

“Seismic Syllables” & "Wet"

Seismic syllables flowed from vocal chords …
As your lips parted,
And released a blast of energy
Passion reverberated within this Earth's focus
Cracked the epicenter, broke through the surface
Revealing uncharted ground…
Exposing layers…
Shifting landscapes and perspectives…
Destroying the doubt that once was
Making the new me unrecognizable
Verbiage vibrating through my terra firma
Parlance setting forth heart palpitations and tremors

Seismic syllables shaking up my world ……
Eagerly anticipating the aftershocks.

Winds and rains of tsunami flows of diction exposing all vulnerabilities…
In fact I nearly slid on your cunning linguistics
Every syllable whet my desire for each word to come
Oh yes, I was intrigued by your flow...
Or should I say I was impressed with the fluidity of your passionate parlance Riding at the crest of your high tide,
Intoxicated from your moon shining on me,
The gravity of your speech pulling waves of passion through my inner ear Crashing onto my desert island shore
Syllables ebbing and flowing on my memory banks,
Irrigating my inspiration…
I think I now have found my lyrical oasis
My thirst for knowledge
Now quenched.





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