Saturday, November 28


Sometimes I envy jellyfish

No one ever tells them to grow a backbone

And if someone did, they’d sting the shit out of ya

So much for that backbone theory

So don’t tell me to toughen up, because my actions may be the same…

Thursday, November 26


a little haiku for thanksgiving...

thank you poetry
without you in my corner
i would surely fail

Tuesday, November 24

look at me...

As y'all know, I love me some haiku.  I was reading some old posts over at my other blog and found one that I wrote that I forgot about.  I felt it was appopriate since I had my Erotic Poetry Feature last night, I will also post some pics from the night! (It went very well by the way!)

Someone look at me

I am easy on the eyes

Please behold my sight

Thursday, November 19

awkward silence...

You are most articulate in your silence
You said more in those thoughful gentle smiles
Than with your jubilant reports
But you wrote dissertations of despiar
With your saddened, worried eyes
And your furrowed brow and scowl of disgust

that day...
sigh, that day.

Crashed on my shore of shame harder than any of those words

those words...
sigh, those words.

a silent high tide I'd like to think.

That day...
sigh, that day.

I thought your medusa gaze would surely turn your thoughts to stone
Aimed at me to make me guilt's martyr
Those silences were awkward...
but appropriate.
And I wish my silence could respond with sincere apologies
If only my eyes could let you know
How much I need you,
How much I want to make it up to you,
How much I love you....
But.... I am most aritculate in my poetry
So this is for you.

Wednesday, November 18


I just posted this at Yesterday's Poem, on her 10 Minute Prompt.  Check it out, especially since I have been slack with the Blog Poetry Slams....

Might not make a lot of sense to y'all,

But is so real in my head...

Tomorrow it might not make any sense...

...and that's ok...


Home is...

A complicated place

Where staying

Is the best

And worst

Thing to do.

And those two cancel each other out

So that makes me indifferent

So maybe I should


Monday, November 16


I find television to be very educating.  Every time somebody turns on the set, I go in the other room and read a book.  ~Groucho Marx

I have been reading a lot lately.  When I say a lot I mean I have read a new book every couple days, sometimes more on the weekends.  My appetite has been voracious.    It is amazing what no television can do for your should really try it by getting rid of your TV or detoxing for an extended period of time, real talk...)

A good book should leave you... slightly exhausted at the end.  You live several lives while reading it.  ~William Styron, interview, Writers at Work, 1958

I have become so emotionally invested in the books I have been reading lately.  Even dreamed about some of them, and act like a crack fiend needing to get back to them. (i.e. the 1000+ page book I read in 2 nights).  I get sad when I am get to the last 100 pages of a book.  I am not being figurative, I really do get to feeling some kinda way.  4 of the books I read this month made me actually cry.

If there's a book you really want to read but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.  ~Toni Morrison

 A few of the books I read have disappointed me with their endings.  Either the endings were far fetched, or the author left no sort of conclusion that satisfied me.  This realization has kick started me to wanting to improve my writing, and be the author that writes books the way that I want to read them.  

A book must be an ice-axe to break the seas frozen inside our soul.  ~Franz Kafka

Reading so many books has also made me want to write more.  I have been pumping out poems left and right, usually inspired from a  line or a scene in what I am reading.  I haven't posted a lot of stuff because for the first time in my poetry career I have been writing performance pieces (that don't necessarily translate well to the page) with ease.  My new focus on literature and art has made me a better performer, a better listener,just better...

A house without books is like a room without windows.  ~Heinrich Mann
Here are some of the books I have read over the last month or so... if you are my friend on facebook, check out my Visual Bookshelf:

Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books, Azar Nafisi (a must-read for book and history lovers!)
The Hour I First Believed: A Novel, Wally Lamb(read this thick monster of a book in 2 days, such a page turner... this is one of the books that made me cry...)
Eyes to My Soul: The Rise or Decline of a Black FBI Agent, Tyrone Powers (this book made me want to fight the power!)
The Book of Sarahs: A Family in Parts,Catherine E. McKinley
The Unthinkable Thoughts of Jacob Green : A Novel, Joshua Braff
Trading Dreams at Midnight: A Novel, Diane McKinney-Whetstone
Nina: Adolescence, Amy Hassinger
Currently Reading: Apprentice to the Flower Poet Z.: A Novel, Debra Weinstein
Currently Re-reading: Racism 101, Nikki Giovanni

I am also open to any suggestions you might have of some good reads, leave them in the comments if you do!

Peace y'all....

Quick Tip: Thrift Stores are my best friend, you can't beat $0.25-0.50 for books (I don't like library books, I like to own my books, because I am also a re-reader)

Sunday, November 15


don't mind me, just lost in my thoughts:

I do  sometimes wonder
does my forehead read: "hurt me"
it would explain a lot
in fact
it would explain

Wednesday, November 11

rainy days....

alise + cold + rain + wind = fail... it is a yucky rainy day and this is my ode to it:

cold rain
tear hider
joie de vivre murderer
gloom accellerant
depression's hideout
elation's extinguisher
you come home to cuddle me...

Monday, November 9


If love is blind
then let my curves be your Braille
and feel this situation out...
you have a lot of reading to catch up on

Thursday, November 5


a little something I am working on for my Erotic Spokenword feature coming up on November 23rd, tell me what ya think... peace y'all...

Star crossed lovers we are
some might say
But they don't know the half
or even the fourth
about the coital constellation created by our cosmic connection

I didn't believe in black holes
until you.
the gravitational pull of your strokes of genius... in our bedroom
to where the only light that escapes is in my eyes
...oh yeah and moans...
(we break the rules, stars can do that...)

Leaving my head clouded
I like to think I'm your sweet nebula
the beginnings of new orgasmic galaxies
Thrusting planetary goodness into the universe
creating new orbits to try

Who needs fireworks?
When you’ve got me busting supernovas
And I release shooting stars
To ingest into your galaxy
It’s quite a show…
And you all can watch,
But I suggest you bring your shades

You are the only one I know who can touch a star
And not only live to tell it
But come alive because of it
The heat of my shine didn’t burn you
But energized you
Gave you the power to please me….
So when you see that twinkle in my eye, just remember I’m a star…

-Naturally Alise 2009


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