Thursday, November 19

awkward silence...

You are most articulate in your silence
You said more in those thoughful gentle smiles
Than with your jubilant reports
But you wrote dissertations of despiar
With your saddened, worried eyes
And your furrowed brow and scowl of disgust

that day...
sigh, that day.

Crashed on my shore of shame harder than any of those words

those words...
sigh, those words.

a silent high tide I'd like to think.

That day...
sigh, that day.

I thought your medusa gaze would surely turn your thoughts to stone
Aimed at me to make me guilt's martyr
Those silences were awkward...
but appropriate.
And I wish my silence could respond with sincere apologies
If only my eyes could let you know
How much I need you,
How much I want to make it up to you,
How much I love you....
But.... I am most aritculate in my poetry
So this is for you.




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