Tuesday, September 30

Pics from the show on Sunday...

Sunday, September 28

Performance Report

The show went fabulous, I did two pieces, the one I told you all about in the last post and one of my favorites, "Love at first sight", which I will bless you with at the end of this blog, along with an audio version. The night was bittersweet, but I am too emotional right now to even touch that, but someone will be missed, even though he will be returning with great stories, many that I will be transcribing to the world Project:Roam, and coming back to me...... Thanks for listening and reading, it means a lot. Pictures from the show coming soon.

“Love at first sight…..”

I walked in and you caught my eye
It was as if your divine beauty relentlessly pursued my optic nerve just to give you a second glance.

My heart skipped a beat...
Your hip hop track of life infiltrated my stone cold heart's chamber music, and all I could do was try to stay on beat...

You had flown, soared, aviated, ascended, rose, scaled, and climbed to the apex of my sparked interest...

I swear when you spoke you sparked such a pyrotechnic display of smoldering sultriness, that I couldn't help but sweat you...

I wanted your digits….to figure out the derivative of your good nature, be around to witness the product of your multiplicity of goals, and see how they all add up to make your total package.

I wanted you to do me like poetry, me the paper... and you: the apparatus for the documentation of my inspiration, your ink filling my soul's empty page....

Oh yeah, nice to meet you……

Can I borrow some of your time,
Just pencil me in,
Actually erase that, ink me in.
So I can see what flows freely from your fountain pen

Color me tickled pink with your mind's magnificent marker
No need to stay in the lines…
I like surprises on my soul's empty page

I long to live vicariously through your ballpoint,
So I can trace what lies within you.
Assist in the manifestation of your dreams…
Witness the culmination of your passion.
As you satiate my souls empty page.

Saturday, September 27

Beauiful? YES.

I ran across this video today and cried my eyes out, and not bad tears, just amazed at the fact I for the first time in my life I really do think I am beautiful, like really really believe it, even on my bad days.... plus I am rather emotional this week anyway because a very special friend is leaving on his very special journey and so I am a ball of excited and sad energy..... (translation: a hot mess, lol) So enjoy the video and also a totally unrelated poem from 7/9/08 that I am working on memorizing for a show tomorrow... wish me luck! Thanks for stopping by!

Dear You,

I appoint your hands to be poet laureate of my pleasure
Your palms have a penchant for pretty purring places....
Possessing the precision to palm my posterior perfectly
Without pause pinpointing the position to provide plentiful passion
Pardoning ecstasy from prudish prisons
Rewarded with praises of pouring potions....

I'm amazed at appendages administering attitude adjustments....
Multi-tasking hands that manipulate moods.....
Manual motivation is a motherf…
Transcendent touches that tempt transgressions told only in Tantric texts…......
Expert extremities excavating erogenous....

Funny how five fingers can flip frowns
...... and hold tight to fragile flower frames never fracturing the foliage
.....and find flows...
......by forging through fortresses of fear to open floodgates....
........devising devilish deeds to leave me drowning
diligent digits delivering doses of delight ,
I digress. ....

Tangibly Yours,

Friday, September 26

revolutionary, as if. - originally 10/4/07

What my response was months ago when an open mic host talked ill of love poems and said spoken word poetry needs to ONLY be about "the revolution", whatever the hell that means (especially coming from that particular individual), why can't it be about BOTH or anything for that matter.... I just need to vent!..........

If by revolutionary you mean talking in circles
....and circumventing responsibility,
then by all means you are the spokesperson......

I ain't buying the fight the power act.....

love, life, and loss.....
that's what causes a creative commotion in my cranium
when pain permeates my person and pummels and pounds my peace
it is the real revolutions, revelations, and resolutions
that relieve my worries, weary, and woes
but hey that's just me

Monday, September 22

Just a test , tell me if you like it!

You dont know me from the guy picking his nose in the car across from you but I am you. Today marks one week from the day that I will be homeless and unemployed in the worst economy since the great depression and riding around the country oh hope and God's will. Why? Cause I have to. For both of us. This is the essence of the adventure I will embark on...oh wait...who in the world am I? Elliot Axiom and I think I'm a poet, we will soon find out if I'm any good because thats how I will be financing this trip (buy somethin dammit!). Presently in NC, orginally from NYC (dont ask "Y") a member of the bull city slam team, a walking billboard against stereotypes (6'5" 300lb bald black ex-jock frat boy who writes poetry) who is infected with "wanderlust" and yearns for the road. Disclaimer:Dont try this shit at home...or alone! I plan to ride for a lot of reasons.CatharsisCuriosityTo SeeTo be SeenTo hear and to talkTo take pictures of places we forget or dont know existTo ride Blue Highways (great book by the way)most importantly to find out if there is something more...or is this all there is. If you wonder the same things but for whatever reason cant make the journey I invite you to ride with me.

Black Woman Lost & Found

This is a little place I have just created to do a few things:

  • Transfer my poetry, stories, and blogs from my myspace blog which I plan on shutting down very soon.
  • Put my grand ideas, hopes, dreams, plans, random musings, creative processes, etc. out in the universe
  • Get honest feedback on some creative projects I have brewing.
  • Have a place to just let everything out basically.... a creative & cathartic canvass (I love alliteration by the way, as you will soon see)

So, I hope you enjoy this side of me and I hope to see fantastic personal growth, and maybe I can help someone along the way who is lost and trying to find their way. And hopefully I can beg my partner in (C)rhyme, Tiha, to add her $.02 every now and again....

Peace , blessings, hair-grease, and all that jazz!

-Naturally Alise

I'll leave you guys with a short poem of mine that I really like to get this thing started, I'll start with a sexy one, I love sexy/sensual/draws dropping type of poems, as you will soon see, but never overt Nasty McNastiness (lol):

“Seismic Syllables”

Seismic syllables flowed from vocal chords …
As your lips parted,
And released a blast of energy
Passion reverberated within this Earth's focus
Cracked the epicenter, broke through the surface
Revealing uncharted ground…
Exposing layers…
Shifting landscapes and perspectives…
Destroying the doubt that once was
Making the new me unrecognizable
Verbiage vibrating through my terra firma
Parlance setting forth heart palpitations and tremors
Tsunami flows of diction exposing all vulnerabilities…
Seismic syllables shaking up my world ……
Eagerly anticipating the aftershocks.

Sunday, September 21

About Me

Hello blog reading and writing fam! I am Alise, a poet, wannabe writer, and spoken word artist. I am silly, sarcastic, fun, random, friendly, insightful, and sometimes sensitive. Please take a look at my various blog projects or as I call them, my labors of love. I love feedback, so don't be afraid to leave it. Peace, goodwill towards women!
This is my book... Click here to purchase.


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