Monday, September 22

Black Woman Lost & Found

This is a little place I have just created to do a few things:

  • Transfer my poetry, stories, and blogs from my myspace blog which I plan on shutting down very soon.
  • Put my grand ideas, hopes, dreams, plans, random musings, creative processes, etc. out in the universe
  • Get honest feedback on some creative projects I have brewing.
  • Have a place to just let everything out basically.... a creative & cathartic canvass (I love alliteration by the way, as you will soon see)

So, I hope you enjoy this side of me and I hope to see fantastic personal growth, and maybe I can help someone along the way who is lost and trying to find their way. And hopefully I can beg my partner in (C)rhyme, Tiha, to add her $.02 every now and again....

Peace , blessings, hair-grease, and all that jazz!

-Naturally Alise

I'll leave you guys with a short poem of mine that I really like to get this thing started, I'll start with a sexy one, I love sexy/sensual/draws dropping type of poems, as you will soon see, but never overt Nasty McNastiness (lol):

“Seismic Syllables”

Seismic syllables flowed from vocal chords …
As your lips parted,
And released a blast of energy
Passion reverberated within this Earth's focus
Cracked the epicenter, broke through the surface
Revealing uncharted ground…
Exposing layers…
Shifting landscapes and perspectives…
Destroying the doubt that once was
Making the new me unrecognizable
Verbiage vibrating through my terra firma
Parlance setting forth heart palpitations and tremors
Tsunami flows of diction exposing all vulnerabilities…
Seismic syllables shaking up my world ……
Eagerly anticipating the aftershocks.


suga on September 26, 2008 at 4:42 PM said...

I love your poetry.

I'm slowly shutting down my myspace page and currently trying to transfer all my blogs over as well. With facebook and twitter, who needs myspace? lol

NaturallyAlise on September 26, 2008 at 8:15 PM said...

Exactly, myspace: meh....



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