Wednesday, October 28

just because...

this song makes me feel all warm inside...

Tuesday, October 27

Blog Poetry Slam 36: Erotic Haiku

I have been MIA... I'm sorry.  Life and school have just been happening and I have been running to keep up.  So, right now I am working on an Erotic Spoken Word feature I have coming up in November.  I have been struggling with writing for it, so I will warm up my erotic side by writing some erotic haiku.  Why don't y'all join me?  So, write an erotic (or romantic) haiku in the comments and help inspire me so I can represent nicely for my feature.  Thanks in advance my lovely poets!

melting and dripping
when you light me on both ends
no candles needed

your turn...

Wednesday, October 21


(a continuation of sorts to a piece I wrote called pressure)

is a funny thing
but not ha ha
it makes it harder to create
and easier to be destroyed
but i won't allow the latter
because this is far beyond
a laughing matter
it is my life.
and i am worthy of creation.

(pray for me y'all... I joke around a lot, but I am so serious right now)

Thursday, October 15

ever run out of words?

well i do...


I love words

Lust them even

But sometimes

And I must admit, most times

They’re not enough

Even for a poet

Because sometimes

The consonants ain’t hard enough

And the conjunctions

Just don’t


I have seen places and things

That nouns don’t dare tread

Where verbs

Stop in their tracks

And adjectives can’t even…

Describe themselves

And expletives are unheard whispers

That tell my secrets

There is so much to say

And no way to convey it

No sentences

Except the one I serve now

In solitary confinement

And the only visits are where I conjugate a noun/verb disagreement

Where my mind are at a loss

Where I can’t even cast a spell

For S-O-R-R-Y … T-H-A-N-K Y-O-U… L-O-V-E

The magic’s gone

Where strokes of the metaphor wands

Still leave empty pages


No words.

Monday, October 12

Blog Poetry Slam 35: The Dark Side

Ok, my blog partner over at The Latte Mug is going to curse me out, but I don't care. I am featuring a poem by her as our Blog Poetry Slam for today that I jacked from her personal blog, Artistic or Just Plain Crazy. I could have asked her in advance, but my darkside didn't care. [insert evil laugh] I liked her piece because it explored the darker side of her. I would love for us to write pieces that are about that side of us we don't always expose, but is still there. So for today write about another side of you or something you would love to do that is a little evil or opposite of your everyday persona. As usual in the comments write a poem, it can be short, long, haiku, silly or serious. I am getting mine ready and I can't wait to see what you guys come up with.

The Darker Side Speaks

Hello world its me
the one she tries to keep quite
the one she confesses to at night
the one who knows how she really feels
I am that bitch who doesn’t care to be polite
and I’ve got something to say:

We don’t like you
she’s only being nice
we’ve never liked you
she trying to play the game right
but she’s gotten nothing for it
no prize, reward or relief
her inner thoughts have gotten morbid
from being nice and catching grief
so I’m here to say
what’s really on her mind
she cant stand your ignorant ass
and we wont give you anymore of our time
I feel better already
I think she does too
her thoughts aren’t so heavy
I even see a smile peaking through
I guess my job is done now
she wont let me speak for long
I’ll take my place in the back
until the next jackass comes along.
(c) Eysqueen 2009

Now it's your turn! Don't be shy!

Thursday, October 8

...step into the arena

I wrote this about a week ago when I was going through my some kinda way and love analyzing... I thought I'd share if with you lovely people...


i have been to this arena before

where hearts and logic fight to the death

and conundrums are taking bets

and love is the only referee

but is too scared to call off the fight

and for once…

let the heart win by decision.

Enjoy a little Lenny and listen to the poetic lyrics:

lenny kravitz - let love rule
Uploaded by aquarius3. - Watch more music videos, in HD!

Also, I am looking for guest poets to feature on the blog... you can share your work and advertise your events and/or books. Feel free to contact me anytime...

Tuesday, October 6

Blog Poetry Slam 34: Haiku!

I didn't do the blog poetry slam, I forgot. I suck. I know this. Don't judge me. :) However, I still want to do it. Lately I have been all angsty and emotional, so this week I want to do something a little more fun and uplifting. How's that sound? Today I think it would be fun to write happy and/or silly haiku. So come on by the comments and bless the world with your haiku prowess! I'll write a couple, and I will be patiently waiting for your lovely haiku in the comments... Don't be scared!... Happy Writing!

poetry is crack

the words just be calling me

i feel like Pookie


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