Monday, October 12

Blog Poetry Slam 35: The Dark Side

Ok, my blog partner over at The Latte Mug is going to curse me out, but I don't care. I am featuring a poem by her as our Blog Poetry Slam for today that I jacked from her personal blog, Artistic or Just Plain Crazy. I could have asked her in advance, but my darkside didn't care. [insert evil laugh] I liked her piece because it explored the darker side of her. I would love for us to write pieces that are about that side of us we don't always expose, but is still there. So for today write about another side of you or something you would love to do that is a little evil or opposite of your everyday persona. As usual in the comments write a poem, it can be short, long, haiku, silly or serious. I am getting mine ready and I can't wait to see what you guys come up with.

The Darker Side Speaks

Hello world its me
the one she tries to keep quite
the one she confesses to at night
the one who knows how she really feels
I am that bitch who doesn’t care to be polite
and I’ve got something to say:

We don’t like you
she’s only being nice
we’ve never liked you
she trying to play the game right
but she’s gotten nothing for it
no prize, reward or relief
her inner thoughts have gotten morbid
from being nice and catching grief
so I’m here to say
what’s really on her mind
she cant stand your ignorant ass
and we wont give you anymore of our time
I feel better already
I think she does too
her thoughts aren’t so heavy
I even see a smile peaking through
I guess my job is done now
she wont let me speak for long
I’ll take my place in the back
until the next jackass comes along.
(c) Eysqueen 2009

Now it's your turn! Don't be shy!




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