Thursday, October 15

ever run out of words?

well i do...


I love words

Lust them even

But sometimes

And I must admit, most times

They’re not enough

Even for a poet

Because sometimes

The consonants ain’t hard enough

And the conjunctions

Just don’t


I have seen places and things

That nouns don’t dare tread

Where verbs

Stop in their tracks

And adjectives can’t even…

Describe themselves

And expletives are unheard whispers

That tell my secrets

There is so much to say

And no way to convey it

No sentences

Except the one I serve now

In solitary confinement

And the only visits are where I conjugate a noun/verb disagreement

Where my mind are at a loss

Where I can’t even cast a spell

For S-O-R-R-Y … T-H-A-N-K Y-O-U… L-O-V-E

The magic’s gone

Where strokes of the metaphor wands

Still leave empty pages


No words.




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