Thursday, May 6

It's a celebration!

Today is the day that good ol' Naturally Alise arrived on this planet 31 years ago.   So why not have gratuitous pictures on MY blog, lol.... Enjoy!  Do you know what I would love for my birthday present?  For y'all to write me poems in the comments...  I'm a simple gal!



Be My Guest...

Go to twitter and wish my sister from another mister Amy May a Happy Birthday! (@AmyMay117)

One of the things I love about this blog is how many wonderful poets it has connected me to.  Also, you wouldn't believe how many poems get sent to my inbox to read and/or criique.  It is such an honor.  One thing I want to do is let all my readers know that if they want something of theirs featured on the blog please email me and I would GLADLY post it.  I think sometimes I love reading and listening to other people's poems than my own.  So please feel free to contact me (naturallyalise(at)gmail(dot)com) and drop me a poem or just to chat.  Also, everyone check out the guest poets I have had over the years, I have linked their blogs/websites as well.

Blog Poetry Slam 31: Road - "The Road Calls" (Elliot Axiom)

"Grey Matters" (Ain HD)

"Directing Traffic" (Verb Fashion)

Untitled (SheHateMe)

Blog Poetry Slam: Musical Favorites - "Roadtrip With Badu" (AmyMay)

"Diary" (SheHateMe)

"Paper Towns" (Tiara R.)

"Sometimes" (Mr. Jolla)

Blog Poetry Slam 47: No Rules - Sonnet (Taahira)

Wednesday, May 5

Phobias... fragments

I am working on a new piece and I thought I would make this one of those pieces that you can see the progression of the poem.  So as I write this poem I will post when I come up with new parts to it.  I have done this before with a poem called "Scary at Me" last year.  Below will be the beginning, and I would love if you would follow it from its infancy to its completion:

Hold up hold up, let me guess...
It's you not me...
No no no wait, is it you aren't ready...
Hold up wait... I know!
You're scared...
Oh, excuse my side-eye... it is vicious.
Well apparently you must be aerophobic, yeah, fear of wind
because the winds of change apparently have you scared shitless
No, maybe you are acrophobic, you know afraid of heights
And to come to my level and stay there must be hell on your anxiety
I understand.
I know your agoraphobia keeps you inside that little box you huddle and cower in.
Or maybe you suffer from Anablephobia - fear of looking up. Only way I can explain you putting me up on a pedestal and then walking away

Monday, May 3

Blog Poetry Slam 47: No Rules (Guest Poet: Taahira)

Today's blog poetry slam is being brought to you by my favorite teenager on the planet, Taahira, she has a tumblr blog by the name of Urban Rag Doll. She is the daughter of one of my dearest friends The PBG of the blog Dirty Pretty Thangs. She has raised a great kid! She often surprises me with little gems in the form of poetry or anecdotes that always brighten my day. This time she sent a poem that I thought was extra clever, hope you enjoy it too!  Because of her poem today, just write a poem about anything in any form you want... NO RULES!!!  (Only rule is to post your poem in the comments...)

I had to write a sonnet for english class. I told my teacher I didn't like writing poems with rules.  So I made a poem about forced poetry isn't real art.

Fake art is insanity
It's backwards
Like sailors without profanity
False feelings? Those should be your last words

Fabricating imagination is a mockery
A Sham!
What is this tomfoolery?
It's a Scam

Falsified craftsmanship is craziness
My hatred for you posers is immense
Where is your inventiveness?
The grudge I hold is intense

Your words are balderdash
Your synthetic rhymes: trash 

check out me and Taahira's first post together form last year:

Blog Swap: "Reindeer Games"

It ain't Christmas, my name ain't Rudolph, and your Reindeer Games don't interest me...

Hi! It's AmyMay... remember me, "Theory Woman?" No? Okay... forget you, then. Well, Alise and I have been having mutual blog block, so we thought that doing a post swap might kick start our collective writing muses. (I stay tellin' Alise them heffas took off to the Bahamas and just didn't tell us they were goin', but I can't prove it.) We aren't entirely sure it will work, but, hey... it's worth a shot.

This time, I have archetypes and opinions on said archetypes. Kinda like theories only not quite. Theory Lite, if you will!!

Now, like the last time I wrote something that I contributed to this blog, I'm gonna take a moment to give a disclaimer: My brain is a busy and dangerous place. There will be trains of thought which take perilous turns, dives and twists. There might be derailments. Keep your hands and feet inside the ride until the post comes to a full and complete stop. Management is not responsible for any loss of life, limb or good sense. Thank you! Enjoy the ride!

So, normally when I blog, I steer clear of the workjob. I work in a profession where privacy and confidentiality are legal mandates, not just suggestions. But this really doesn't have anything to do with my specific job. It's more of a general workplace kinda situation... I'm thinkin' this one time, I can make an exception.

I love my job. I love the place I work. I genuinely like many of the people at my job. That said, one of my greatest pet peeves is something that I encounter almost exclusively at the workjob. A little something I like to call Reindeer Games. Reindeer Games are that boolshiggity that most of us outgrew when we received our high school diplomas and moved on with life. Yet there are those allegedly grown adults who revel in them. And I just can't abide them!

Reindeer Game: We're IN, You're OUT. This is self explanatory. Call it what you will... cliques, the in-crowd, the cool kids. Whatever. All I have to say about this is, if you have to work at convincing me you're cool.... well, you're not. Sorry to break it to you, Sparky.

Reindeer Game: I know important people around here! Ummmm... so? If you suck at your job, but you know someone in an office, well.... hun, you still suck at your job, and I still don't respect you. Now what?

Reindeer Game: If I look busy, people will think I actually do stuff around here! Yeah. Go saddown. You ain't foolin' NO.BODY!! But if it helps you sleep at night, knock yourself out!

Reindeer Game: I work hard at getting out of work! This one is closely related to the last one. But I genuinely don't understand the point. If you play this Reindeer Game, I'm thinkin' you need more people.

Reindeer Game: I take credit for stuff I didn't do. Nothing funny. You suck. That is all.

Reindeer Game: I live to stir the pot. If your life is so empty and boring that you must instigate drama in the lives of those around you... *smh* All I can say to that is Karma is a bitch, and Hell is hot!

I'm sure I haven't but scratched the surface. What are some of your favorite Reindeer Games? What kind of workplace shenanigans get your blood pressure up? Share with the class!

P.S. I hope you will join me in encouraging Naturally Alise and Eyesqueen to come out of hibernation!! I been missin' them chicks!!

P.S.S. The post is now at a halt. Feel free to move about the blog!

visit Amy at:

Sunday, May 2

on repeat...

music is like Lays
i can't just listen to one
good shit on repeat

I said on facebook a couple days ago that I needed a Badu intervention.  I was serious!  I have certain songs of hers that I will put on repeat or keep playing one part over and over again.  There seems to be certain songs in general that just touch a place in my soul or speak to a situation I am going through. What songs do you play to death? These are mine:

Erykah Badu - Window Seat
Uploaded by UniversalMusicGroup. - Music videos, artist interviews, concerts and more.

"I need someone to clap for me..."

"The story ends... as stories do, reality stepped into view... no longer living life in paradise..."

"I've been changed and rearranged.. it's not like it was before...."

"Were you hurt by love before... too much pain for your heart to ignore?  Do you hide? Hide behind a disguise... pretty girl"


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