Sunday, May 2

on repeat...

music is like Lays
i can't just listen to one
good shit on repeat

I said on facebook a couple days ago that I needed a Badu intervention.  I was serious!  I have certain songs of hers that I will put on repeat or keep playing one part over and over again.  There seems to be certain songs in general that just touch a place in my soul or speak to a situation I am going through. What songs do you play to death? These are mine:

Erykah Badu - Window Seat
Uploaded by UniversalMusicGroup. - Music videos, artist interviews, concerts and more.

"I need someone to clap for me..."

"The story ends... as stories do, reality stepped into view... no longer living life in paradise..."

"I've been changed and rearranged.. it's not like it was before...."

"Were you hurt by love before... too much pain for your heart to ignore?  Do you hide? Hide behind a disguise... pretty girl"




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