Thursday, May 6

Be My Guest...

Go to twitter and wish my sister from another mister Amy May a Happy Birthday! (@AmyMay117)

One of the things I love about this blog is how many wonderful poets it has connected me to.  Also, you wouldn't believe how many poems get sent to my inbox to read and/or criique.  It is such an honor.  One thing I want to do is let all my readers know that if they want something of theirs featured on the blog please email me and I would GLADLY post it.  I think sometimes I love reading and listening to other people's poems than my own.  So please feel free to contact me (naturallyalise(at)gmail(dot)com) and drop me a poem or just to chat.  Also, everyone check out the guest poets I have had over the years, I have linked their blogs/websites as well.

Blog Poetry Slam 31: Road - "The Road Calls" (Elliot Axiom)

"Grey Matters" (Ain HD)

"Directing Traffic" (Verb Fashion)

Untitled (SheHateMe)

Blog Poetry Slam: Musical Favorites - "Roadtrip With Badu" (AmyMay)

"Diary" (SheHateMe)

"Paper Towns" (Tiara R.)

"Sometimes" (Mr. Jolla)

Blog Poetry Slam 47: No Rules - Sonnet (Taahira)




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