Wednesday, May 5

Phobias... fragments

I am working on a new piece and I thought I would make this one of those pieces that you can see the progression of the poem.  So as I write this poem I will post when I come up with new parts to it.  I have done this before with a poem called "Scary at Me" last year.  Below will be the beginning, and I would love if you would follow it from its infancy to its completion:

Hold up hold up, let me guess...
It's you not me...
No no no wait, is it you aren't ready...
Hold up wait... I know!
You're scared...
Oh, excuse my side-eye... it is vicious.
Well apparently you must be aerophobic, yeah, fear of wind
because the winds of change apparently have you scared shitless
No, maybe you are acrophobic, you know afraid of heights
And to come to my level and stay there must be hell on your anxiety
I understand.
I know your agoraphobia keeps you inside that little box you huddle and cower in.
Or maybe you suffer from Anablephobia - fear of looking up. Only way I can explain you putting me up on a pedestal and then walking away




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