Monday, May 3

Blog Poetry Slam 47: No Rules (Guest Poet: Taahira)

Today's blog poetry slam is being brought to you by my favorite teenager on the planet, Taahira, she has a tumblr blog by the name of Urban Rag Doll. She is the daughter of one of my dearest friends The PBG of the blog Dirty Pretty Thangs. She has raised a great kid! She often surprises me with little gems in the form of poetry or anecdotes that always brighten my day. This time she sent a poem that I thought was extra clever, hope you enjoy it too!  Because of her poem today, just write a poem about anything in any form you want... NO RULES!!!  (Only rule is to post your poem in the comments...)

I had to write a sonnet for english class. I told my teacher I didn't like writing poems with rules.  So I made a poem about forced poetry isn't real art.

Fake art is insanity
It's backwards
Like sailors without profanity
False feelings? Those should be your last words

Fabricating imagination is a mockery
A Sham!
What is this tomfoolery?
It's a Scam

Falsified craftsmanship is craziness
My hatred for you posers is immense
Where is your inventiveness?
The grudge I hold is intense

Your words are balderdash
Your synthetic rhymes: trash 

check out me and Taahira's first post together form last year:




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