Wednesday, December 9

poetic melodies: kindred...

I love Kindred the Family Soul...  The love that emanates from this husband & wife team is so beautiful.  It is the type of love I dream to have forever.  How beautful is it that you share the same passion and do it together? I wish they weren't so slept on, because they are a positive example of Black love and even outside of that it is just great music.   They make you just want to go fall in love and stay that way...   Here are my faves:

This is actually one of my favorite songs period... that's the kind of love I want in my life...

If someone told me that the stars looked up at me, I think I would just melt...

...and no matter how many hats you wear it's nice to hear sometimes that first and foremost you are a beautiful woman...

and thinking of Kindred reminded me of a poem I wrote a while back:

You have Alise in Wonderland once again

Evoking Cheshire cat grins

With embraces that cover a multitude of sins

Holding me tight ..... skin to skin

Where do I end ?

....and where do you begin?

Feeling like kissing cousins because our souls must be kin

Dre(a)d…. ing this moment’s end

Wondering how you stole my heart with a pen…???




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