Saturday, December 26

you think?

I was sitting thinking.  Well, actually that is probably the problem, I am always sitting and overthinking. In fact I am doing it now by not getting to the point of my post.  I know, I am special, but you love it.  Lately I have been stifled in my writing because of aforementioned overthinking.  First off, I have been dealing with a lot of internal, well shit internal too, turmoil.  I start to write about it, but then stop because I second guess it and sit and wonder who wants to hear/read another sad poem .  Anyway, the point is I feel like I am channeling Eric Roberson's song, "Pen Just Cries Away," where he sings:

I tried not to write a song so sad
When you gave all you had and it still goes bad
It's seems the pain just shows up on the, on the pad
As the pen just cries away

Well I decided after thinking, rethinking, and overthinking some more that it is okay to let my pen cry away.  That's the point.




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