Monday, February 1

Blog Poetry Slam 38: Pain

I am back y'all.  Told you it wouldn't be too long.  Just going through a rough patch of life.  However, I am writing myself out of it one day at a time.  Sometimes you have to write away the pain, so that's what I thought would make an appropriate theme for us to write about: PAIN

Please write a poem to fit the theme in the comments... Your poems can be long, short or even a haiku!  They can be serious or silly.  If you are not a poet then tell the poets you think of their pieces. Thanks for coming by and supporting my little corner of the blogosphere...
my piece is a little rough draft of a performance piece I am working on... 
Lately I’ve been mad frustrated

Serotonin levels devastated

Depression leaving me inundated

Burst my happy little bubble – yes, deflated

But I did it , so guess I detrimentally masturbated

Yes, fucked myself over, mentally fornicated

I knew my life needed to be renovated

But I couldn’t afford it, the price had been inflated

If ever there was a game, I played it

If there was a mistake, I made it

Hope - best believe I slayed it

Self-respect, I have betrayed it

Never put action to my words so the my verbs were never conjugated

Negativity was my Valium I stayed sedated

In my own little world alienated

I was S.O.L. abbreviated

Wasn’t a phoenix so I went through the fire and was cremated

And some days it was myself that I hated

My destruction I have abetted and aided

Running in place has me exasperated

Life was a hungry bitch emaciated

A royal mess I have created

My supernova potential has quickly faded

If anyone tried to get in they hit a wall because my heart is barricaded

You needed to take a jackhammer to this Heart of stone for love to be excavated

Feeling like love and peace were overrated

Happiness- I forbade it

Denied my sickness, bc I’m no patient, so I never waited

Humble pie with a side of pride, I never ate it

Even when life tried to be sweet I couldn’t taste it


I needed to release - I feel spiritually constipated

So I tried with every fiber of my being because I’m tired of being nauseated

My heart just needed to be reeducated

So this love for self could be reinstated

It’s so easy, but smart folks always make things so complicated

All I needed to do was step on this stage, let out my pain, just say it

So the sounds of your snaps will scare these demons so they can be relocated

But best believe the path that I’ve taken I’d never trade it

You only live once… you can’t replay it.

Just make sure you learn from your bullshit so the pain. isn’t. wasted

your turn... 




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