Monday, February 8

Blog Poetry Slam 39: Hugs

I'm back, 2 weeks in a row, miracles never cease. *wink*   Y'all should give me a hug or something...  I love hugs.  All kinds.  Friendly.  Romantic. Family.  Sometimes I hug myself.  Sometimes even poems embrace me.  And sometimes I hug my poems back.  But I digress before y'all think I am too crazy.  Hugs have been helping me out a lot lately so that's what I thought would make an appropriate theme for us to write about: HUGS.

Please write a poem to fit the theme in the comments... Your poems can be long, short or even a haiku! They can be serious or silly. If you are not a poet then tell the poets you think of their pieces. Thanks for coming by and supporting my little corner of the blogosphere...

Full Circle

I need a hug

A strong one

From stubborn arms that refuse to let me go

I want to cry on your shoulder

And for that to be okay

And then I want to laugh through those tears

And then laugh until I cry

Just so you can hug me again

And tell me that it will be okay

Even if really isn’t

Sometimes that delusion

Can ease the pain and confusion

Until I cry again

And need another hug




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