Monday, January 26

Naturally Alise's Blog Poetry Slam 2: Thirst

Welcome to the second blog poetry slam hosted by myself, Naturally Alise. The last slam was bananas!!! I was overjoyed with the participation, the variety and quality of the poetry that was produced. I felt so proud to be surrounded by such greatness! Any-hoo, today's word/theme is:

Got water?


Below will be a poem I already have to give you an example of what to do, I will join you guys in the comments with a new piece. I can't wait to see the responses!!!

I nearly slid on your cunning linguistics
Every syllable whet my desire for each word to come
Oh yes, I was intrigued by your flow...
Or should I say I was impressed with the fluidity of your passionate parlance Riding at the crest of your high tide,
Intoxicated from your moon shining on me,
The gravity of your speech pulling waves of passion through my inner ear Crashing onto my desert island shore
Syllables ebbing and flowing on my memory banks,
Irrigating my inspiration…
I think I now have found my lyrical oasis
Quenching my thirst for poetry.

Sunday, January 25


Sometimes I get to feeling some kinda way. I was going to post some more on the cheater poem, but something else was in my heart today, but I will continue it as the spirit hits me.

i'm feeling
some kinda way
a little angry
a little blue
does that make my aura purple?
just something i am feeling
don't even know
if it makes any sense,
but what I feel
doesn't make much sense,
so it fits
and so do we
some kinda way.

New Attitude

Hey, y'all like my new layout? Thought the place needed a little sprucing up. The layout was designed by Divalicious Designs. Enjoy....

Friday, January 23

Larceny Haiku

thief, you stole my heart
about six or seven times
but who is counting?

Thursday, January 22

Obsessive Randomness....

From Black Woman Lost & Found

I tend to obsess over all things "innanets & innawebs" (internet for my non-broken-English compadres). Well actually I obsess about some of everything, but that is neither here nor there. Anyway, I was looking at some of the stats for this blog and found some interesting tidbits and fun facts that I will share:

Search string that made me giggle:
* Where can I find Glover's Mane

Top traffic referrals (no surprise)
*Hey You Asked
*Awesomely Luvvie
*Cubicle Crusaders

Some blogrolls I have spotted myself on (this makes me smile -with my eyes and everything!)
Naked & Natural
Kryssy's Commentary
Coming of Age
Got Chriistiina??

Top Outgoing Link
Naked & Natural

Number of email suscribers:

My favorite new poem I have posted:

Scary @ Me

My favorite blog comments of ALL time, where the E-posse showed out!:

Most awesome roasts:
Hate on Luvvie Week

Most awesome readers:
All of Y'all!

Wednesday, January 21

Poetry Slam ... Postponed...

Hey Readers,

The poetry slam will pick back up next week, I was out of town in D.C. and didn't get a chance to post.... please forgive me.... So next Tuesday it is on and poppin'!!!!! See you then!

Naturally Alise

Monday, January 12

Naturally Alise's Blog Poetry Slam I

Hello all my readers and also to fellow poets! I want to try something to bring a little fun and interaction/networking of poets on the blogosphere. Every Tuesday I will put up a topic, word, or picture. Then I would like all the poets (well everyone actually) to pen a verse or two or ten about the particular subject. You can go in any kind of direction from the topic you see fit. It will be a good way to exercise your writing muscles and also to enjoy the work of others. Also feel free to drop the links to your blogs or websites so we can all get to know each other. Also, drop me emails to suggest topics or pictures. So, I will start off with today's topic with a piece I already have written, I will write a new one in the comments with you guys, just wanted to give you an idea of the concept:


I never sleep anymore.
Always wide awake and awar
Luckily I dream with 3 eyes open
Fixed on magnificent endeavors
Can't have my dreams slept on...
Anyway how ya gonna fight life's battles with pajamas on?

Your turn! I can't wait to read you guy's pieces! EVERYONE is welcome!

Sunday, January 11

cheater (iv)

I appreciate you guys following the progress of this poem... Also coming soon I will be inviting my blogging poets on an adventure of something real fun, I'll keep ya posted....

how can i be mad?
when your mistress...
is a pen.

i confronted her.
she told me,
you talk about me all the time.

how can I be upset?
when your lover...
is a stage.

i stepped to her.
she slyly said,
you like to be on top and take control.

how can I be angry?
when your confidant
is a mic.

you continue to trust her,
telling your dreams and fears,
but she tells the world.

Wednesday, January 7

cheater. (iii)

the saga continues.....

how can i be mad?
when your mistress...
is a pen.

i confronted her.
she told me,
you talk about me all the time.

how can I be upset?
when your lover...
is a stage.

i stepped to her.
she slyly said,
you like to be on top and take control.

Saturday, January 3

cheater (ii)

*the culprit*

how can i be mad?
when your mistress...
is a pen.

i confronted her.
she told me,
you talk about me all the time.

Friday, January 2

The Little Things.... (repost)

Originally posted: 10/27/08....

People* say you have to teach people how to treat you. Part of that is knowing what you like, and that definitely includes the little things. I came across an email that I wrote to somebody** that listed the little things that Miss Naturally Alise loves.....

- hand written letters & notes
- strawberry cheesecake ice cream
-Reese's Cups
- Hershey kisses
- oh yeah, real kisses too, lol
- answering the Final Jeopardy question correctly
- non-awkward silences
- standing on the beach and feeling like you are moving backwards if you stand right at the edge of the water as the tide ebbs and flows
- winning at BINGO (shut up BINGO is that shit!)
- getting on stage (Even though I am always ridiculously nervous, knees shaking and the whole 9)
- hugs from somebody **
- Chicken & rice soup
- sunsets at Jordan Lake
- poems written just for me
- Venti Iced Vanilla Latte w/ sprinkles of cinnamon
- holding hands
- wearing my SO's t-shirt to sleep in
-giggly conversations about nothing but everything.....

That is a short list of the little things that make me happy. What are the little things that make you happy?

*they, somebody, them, folks, etc.
** none of ya business, lol


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