Friday, January 2

The Little Things.... (repost)

Originally posted: 10/27/08....

People* say you have to teach people how to treat you. Part of that is knowing what you like, and that definitely includes the little things. I came across an email that I wrote to somebody** that listed the little things that Miss Naturally Alise loves.....

- hand written letters & notes
- strawberry cheesecake ice cream
-Reese's Cups
- Hershey kisses
- oh yeah, real kisses too, lol
- answering the Final Jeopardy question correctly
- non-awkward silences
- standing on the beach and feeling like you are moving backwards if you stand right at the edge of the water as the tide ebbs and flows
- winning at BINGO (shut up BINGO is that shit!)
- getting on stage (Even though I am always ridiculously nervous, knees shaking and the whole 9)
- hugs from somebody **
- Chicken & rice soup
- sunsets at Jordan Lake
- poems written just for me
- Venti Iced Vanilla Latte w/ sprinkles of cinnamon
- holding hands
- wearing my SO's t-shirt to sleep in
-giggly conversations about nothing but everything.....

That is a short list of the little things that make me happy. What are the little things that make you happy?

*they, somebody, them, folks, etc.
** none of ya business, lol


cy said...

nice list! mine would probably contain 4 material things, raw food, cats, fireplaces and oceans. thanks for the positive page energies and sounds. peace and radiance to you.



Christina Adwoa on January 4, 2009 at 6:59 PM said... have me thinking...what are the little things I love??

I smell a blog post...don't will go to you for the idea =)

Sophia on January 10, 2009 at 1:31 PM said...

hmmmm nice post. I could blog but instead I'll comment on yours.

-2:28pm on Saturdays at home. Right in the middle of they day with either a good movie, or good music.
-hugs and kisses
-wild, untwisted locs
-sweet, warm smelling candles burning
-laughter of a baby
-the sound of rain

Ok I think I could go on and on....

NaturallyAlise on January 12, 2009 at 6:47 AM said...

Girl when I had my locs, I used to love them wild too, especially when they were short... and now without the locs I love wearing a wild twist out, makes me feel fierce, lol....

Also head over to Adwoa's little things list at her site:



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