Thursday, January 22

Obsessive Randomness....

From Black Woman Lost & Found

I tend to obsess over all things "innanets & innawebs" (internet for my non-broken-English compadres). Well actually I obsess about some of everything, but that is neither here nor there. Anyway, I was looking at some of the stats for this blog and found some interesting tidbits and fun facts that I will share:

Search string that made me giggle:
* Where can I find Glover's Mane

Top traffic referrals (no surprise)
*Hey You Asked
*Awesomely Luvvie
*Cubicle Crusaders

Some blogrolls I have spotted myself on (this makes me smile -with my eyes and everything!)
Naked & Natural
Kryssy's Commentary
Coming of Age
Got Chriistiina??

Top Outgoing Link
Naked & Natural

Number of email suscribers:

My favorite new poem I have posted:

Scary @ Me

My favorite blog comments of ALL time, where the E-posse showed out!:

Most awesome roasts:
Hate on Luvvie Week

Most awesome readers:
All of Y'all!


Chanel on January 22, 2009 at 2:29 PM said...

Lol. This was cute.

The Pretty Brown Girl on January 22, 2009 at 10:21 PM said...

Don't mind me. I only come here for the music. Carry on...

lol. *wink*

suga on January 22, 2009 at 11:12 PM said...

Aww, girl of course you would be on my blog roll. I love your poetry and you gave me the best welcome to blogger.

Top Outgoing Link? Whoo hoo!

Kryssy on January 24, 2009 at 10:51 AM said...

Diddo what sugar said.
Sometimes I read a poem of yours and just sit here in front of my pc... in a daze.. just marinating. lol



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