Friday, May 29

the hairbrush mic

As y'all have probably figured out, I am a music fiend (it's like the lyrics be calling me a la Pookie). I just wanted to share one of my favorite hairbrush mic songs... you know the songs that you grab the nearest object in sight to be your microphone. This song makes me sublimely happy. Enjoy and have a fabulous weekend!

What is YOUR hairbrush mic song?

Thursday, May 28


i want hugs
but not to embrace
...this reality
and admit
... my heart's mortality
and anyone going through that
needs a damn hug

*don't mind me , I am a bit scatterbrained as of late*


had a dream
i was rocking karate shoes
singing about my glow
and fighting

had a nightmare
i was rocking a sad face
saying i was leaving
and you weren't fighting

...for me.

Tuesday, May 26

Shoulda Put Some Ig On It

*The Holy Clutch of Deréon, FEAR IT!*

It's not all poetry round these parts, it is about laughs too, read the header, it really is...

My best frenemy, Luvvie and I are of course the twitter fiends you have all grown to loathe! We had a conversation earlier on how people treat celebrities like they are God Almighty, like mini Paparazzi fueled religions. It is sickening. We discovered that Beyonce Stans are worse than the crazy Jesus Freaks. So we decided to share some verses from the Holy text of Dereon via Twitter.

LUVVIE is red
ALISE is blue

Luvvie: People be preaching the Gospel of Beyawnce. Talm bout: In the book of Lacefronts, chapter 3, verse 45, she said unto thee: "Get me bodied"

And be talmout in Book Damn-its-wrong Chapter-uh "twell" verse 50-leven verily Sasha says unto you: Pay my auto-mobills...

In the Book of FIERCENESS, Sasha verily said unto the peoples: Pants never, Spandex EVER! And it was done. Cuz she's a DIVA

in the Book Merriam, Chapter Webster, Queen Yawnce proclaimed: "Diva is a female version of a hustler even though it aint, ion care"

In the Book of FIERCENESS, Sasha verily said unto the peoples: "Pants never, Spandex EVER!" And it was done. Cuz she's a DIVA

Pastor Sasha christened her new lacefront and read from the Book of Yaki, Chapter 4B. It was a beautiful ceremony.

Luvvie: But did U read the Book of Halo, Chapter 15, verse 24. "I'm a Survivor but my Emotions are beneath my Brown eyes". *waves fan*

Luvvie waxes a little independent Ig:

Dear Stans, 'Yawnce ain't Hera & JayZ ain't Zeus & LA isn't Mt. Olympus. They can indeed do wrong. Get off their jocks. Thank you. *bows*

I'm not a Benoncay hater. The chick IS fierce & talented but folks act like she wakes up and pisses unicorn tears & phoenix ashes.

In the name of the Glitter, the Sequins and the Bedazzler, I pronounce you Dereonized!

Luvvie and Naturally Alise drop the mic and wallslide simultaneously... Deuces! Meet us on Twitter!

Blog Poetry Slam 18: Smile

Sorry I have been real lazy busy and didn't post the slam last week, but have no fear I am back! Hope I gave you a little time to replenish those creative juices. Today lets write poems about smiles or things that make you smile... That shouldn't be too hard. I will contribute some more poems and haiku in the comments along with the rest of you fabulous poets... If you don't know what to do, go check out one of my past favorite Blog Poetry Slams... (Blog Poetry Slam 6: Fear)

You have Alise in Wonderland once again
Evoking Cheshire cat grins
With embraces that cover a multitude of sins
Holding me tight ..... skin to skin
Where do I end ?
....and where do you begin?
Feeling like kissing cousins because our souls must be kin…
Dre(a)d…. ing this moment’s end
Wondering how you stole my heart with a pen…???

...your turn poets!

Tuesday, May 19

Blog Poetry Slam Rescheduled

Ok y'all, I suck. I am exhausted today and did not get a chance to get everything together so the Blog Poetry Slam will be tomorrow! I promise the topic will be lots of fun! See ya then!

Wednesday, May 13

no outlet...

something i am working on.....

when innocence is lost
where can you find it?
i looked for it on beds
and between intertwined limbs
I left no stone cold heart unturned
i searched between lines
and behind empty words
dug into shallow graves where i buried my inner child
but only discovered regret
sent out search parties into my self destruction
i mapped out a journey of repression but
excess did not mark the spot
i even asked for directions
but ended up on lonely roads with no outlet....

to be continued.....

Monday, May 11

Blog Poetry Slam 17: Sex & Love

How can we do all these poetry slams and not have sex OR love be a theme? Well have no fear this is the day. Let's write poems about my favorite subject and thing in the world... I'll kick it off and then y'all show me LOVE by posting your poems in the comments.

Love Always,
Naturally Alise

Please refer to me as a sexy nerd....
Attracted to the utterances of the likeminded .....
I am enchanted by creative expression
... simply said words turn me on...
The foreplay of your witty banter nibbles on my ears...
Arousing me with adjectives
.....seducing with syllables,
Don't get me wrong: I do enjoy the emotions in your hearts ocean,
but best believe the size of your word power matters...
You penetrate me intellectually ,
And my mind wraps around you.
Expressing yourself in postions I never imagined.
The dictionary is our kama sutra.
Poetry is our candlelight.
You illuminate the deepest caverns of my mind.
Conversation is our bedroom .....
I am not intimidated by intelligence,
In fact I want to be immersed in it,
Inundated until I explode....
I scream out analogies and idioms...
I pulsate with multiple eargasms
And after you cuddle me new concepts...
Lighlty stroke my face with similies
Protecting me in the arms of your prose...
And we slowly slip into a smalltalk slumber

YOUR TURN...................

Monday, May 4

Blog Poetry Slam 16: YOU

Hello my poetry party people! This week's theme is you. Yes, I said you... This week our poems will be interesting things about ourselves, whether it is a personal experience, a cool personality trait, or even something about your appearance. It will be wonderful getting a glimpse into my fabulous readers. I'll get it started with the poem below, can't wait to see what y'all come up with! I'll also write another in the comments with you guys! Tell a friend!

I am random so this piece is about my randomness:

Sorry I'm random on these banks
Bring your white water raft
to ride on my stream of consciousness
Let your open mind be your life jacket
Drowning is not an option
Don't be overtaken by my flow
Because I flood ears, not lungs
Hold your breath, not tongue
So water becomes words that are sung
So you can hear my water like its young
But really it is grown like rapids...

your turn!

Sunday, May 3

Haiku Warmup: All About You

Hello my poetry party people! This week's theme is you. Yes, I said you... This week our poems will be interesting things about ourselves, whether it is a personal experience, a cool personality trait, or even something about your appearance. It will be wonderful getting a glimpse into my fabulous readers. I'll get the haiku started below, can't wait to see what y'all come up with!

i'm captain random
foolishness is my army
make sure you salute

poetry loves me
and the feeling's mutual
what a great couple
....give it a try......


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