Wednesday, May 13

no outlet...

something i am working on.....

when innocence is lost
where can you find it?
i looked for it on beds
and between intertwined limbs
I left no stone cold heart unturned
i searched between lines
and behind empty words
dug into shallow graves where i buried my inner child
but only discovered regret
sent out search parties into my self destruction
i mapped out a journey of repression but
excess did not mark the spot
i even asked for directions
but ended up on lonely roads with no outlet....

to be continued.....


Maxine on May 14, 2009 at 4:05 AM said...

This is beautiful Alise. I'm so glad I found your site from all these many oceans away. I'll be back soon, hopefully with some friends x

amymay on May 15, 2009 at 10:22 PM said...

great imagery. can't wait to see where this goes....

Ain HD on May 19, 2009 at 4:38 PM said...

Can't wait to read it when you say it's final. I'm leaving inspired as usual ;-)

The Warrior Poet on May 25, 2009 at 1:14 AM said...

There are lot of people who want to know where to find the lost innocence, waiting to find where you'll find yours. Nice blog.



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