Tuesday, May 26

Shoulda Put Some Ig On It

*The Holy Clutch of Deréon, FEAR IT!*

It's not all poetry round these parts, it is about laughs too, read the header, it really is...

My best frenemy, Luvvie and I are of course the twitter fiends you have all grown to loathe! We had a conversation earlier on how people treat celebrities like they are God Almighty, like mini Paparazzi fueled religions. It is sickening. We discovered that Beyonce Stans are worse than the crazy Jesus Freaks. So we decided to share some verses from the Holy text of Dereon via Twitter.

LUVVIE is red
ALISE is blue

Luvvie: People be preaching the Gospel of Beyawnce. Talm bout: In the book of Lacefronts, chapter 3, verse 45, she said unto thee: "Get me bodied"

And be talmout in Book Damn-its-wrong Chapter-uh "twell" verse 50-leven verily Sasha says unto you: Pay my auto-mobills...

In the Book of FIERCENESS, Sasha verily said unto the peoples: Pants never, Spandex EVER! And it was done. Cuz she's a DIVA

in the Book Merriam, Chapter Webster, Queen Yawnce proclaimed: "Diva is a female version of a hustler even though it aint, ion care"

In the Book of FIERCENESS, Sasha verily said unto the peoples: "Pants never, Spandex EVER!" And it was done. Cuz she's a DIVA

Pastor Sasha christened her new lacefront and read from the Book of Yaki, Chapter 4B. It was a beautiful ceremony.

Luvvie: But did U read the Book of Halo, Chapter 15, verse 24. "I'm a Survivor but my Emotions are beneath my Brown eyes". *waves fan*

Luvvie waxes a little independent Ig:

Dear Stans, 'Yawnce ain't Hera & JayZ ain't Zeus & LA isn't Mt. Olympus. They can indeed do wrong. Get off their jocks. Thank you. *bows*

I'm not a Benoncay hater. The chick IS fierce & talented but folks act like she wakes up and pisses unicorn tears & phoenix ashes.

In the name of the Glitter, the Sequins and the Bedazzler, I pronounce you Dereonized!

Luvvie and Naturally Alise drop the mic and wallslide simultaneously... Deuces! Meet us on Twitter!


overitisdeadandgone said...

I LOVE THE E-POSSE. This really made my night, LMAO.

ESS AY VEE OH EL OH YOO ESS! on May 27, 2009 at 10:08 AM said...

Y'all some educated idiots.

Luvvie on May 27, 2009 at 12:38 PM said...

LMAO @ the Holy Clutch of Dereon.

The Pretty Brown Girl on May 27, 2009 at 5:35 PM said...

The fans at this church are probably glittered with an inch of their resistance.

Does the choir wear Freak Um Robes?

What do they give the homeless during the holidays? Celebratory lacefronts, Christmas leggings and New Year's stilletoes??

Bella on May 27, 2009 at 5:38 PM said...


amymay on May 27, 2009 at 8:57 PM said...

And the choir says...nuthin'... ain't no one sangin' except Passa round here!



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