Tuesday, May 26

Blog Poetry Slam 18: Smile

Sorry I have been real lazy busy and didn't post the slam last week, but have no fear I am back! Hope I gave you a little time to replenish those creative juices. Today lets write poems about smiles or things that make you smile... That shouldn't be too hard. I will contribute some more poems and haiku in the comments along with the rest of you fabulous poets... If you don't know what to do, go check out one of my past favorite Blog Poetry Slams... (Blog Poetry Slam 6: Fear)

You have Alise in Wonderland once again
Evoking Cheshire cat grins
With embraces that cover a multitude of sins
Holding me tight ..... skin to skin
Where do I end ?
....and where do you begin?
Feeling like kissing cousins because our souls must be kin…
Dre(a)d…. ing this moment’s end
Wondering how you stole my heart with a pen…???

...your turn poets!


Sankofa-Eagle on May 26, 2009 at 12:47 PM said...

...as sweet as when Angela sings of it...Your Smile is magnificent...and it makes my day when i have the opportunity to go where ever it has went, see...i could close my eyes and on my inner-eyelids, still see its imprint, therefore...dreams are prevalent, and...it matters not how firm i stand my ground on an issue...your smile keeps me bent, see...you have this way of bringing the best out of me while never leaving me spent...and just the thought of it brings the desired effect, so you really don't have to be present, even though...I may want you there just to feel your essence...if I ever doubted God or Heaven, your smile would be its sacrament...all seven from Baptism to Matrimony, Your Smile...bears all that is Holy...

amymay on May 26, 2009 at 5:00 PM said...

Not as long as I'm the Mamma,
and you live in my house, will you jack up your grin with a grill...

Get that plastic painted nonsense outta your mouth, coz if you don't, Mamma will!

When you're grown, on your own, and you're payin' your way,
I guess you can do as you please.

But until that day comes, I'm tellin' you son, don't get cut off at the knees!

Your beautiful smile puts warmth in my heart, don't want it any other way.

Don't cover it up with cold ugliness. Now Mamma's had her say.



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