Monday, May 4

Blog Poetry Slam 16: YOU

Hello my poetry party people! This week's theme is you. Yes, I said you... This week our poems will be interesting things about ourselves, whether it is a personal experience, a cool personality trait, or even something about your appearance. It will be wonderful getting a glimpse into my fabulous readers. I'll get it started with the poem below, can't wait to see what y'all come up with! I'll also write another in the comments with you guys! Tell a friend!

I am random so this piece is about my randomness:

Sorry I'm random on these banks
Bring your white water raft
to ride on my stream of consciousness
Let your open mind be your life jacket
Drowning is not an option
Don't be overtaken by my flow
Because I flood ears, not lungs
Hold your breath, not tongue
So water becomes words that are sung
So you can hear my water like its young
But really it is grown like rapids...

your turn!


Anonymous said...

Complicated simply
Strong yet insecure
Quirky, funky, slightly chunky
Yet I still get the high score…
Intelligent, outspoken
A Grown ass woman
To the core
I could continue
But there’s no need
When its all said and done
Im me

VerbFashion on May 5, 2009 at 12:33 AM said...

1st off...your poem was just too dope!

"so you can hear my water like its young but really it is grown like rapids"

geez...i'll try...

-Me Verbatim-

well some say I glow like sun
shine on them like I am above
too bright, forcing them to dim their light
and often they don't appreciate that

but I say I am just waiting
basking in self, being patient
they're all too dense, why are we all meditating (I won't use the term 'hating) on me?
I'm watching you concoct the excuses stopping you from joining me where you complain that I be...

up here.

Fly11 on May 5, 2009 at 2:17 PM said...

Talking About You Helps
I am not comfortable talking about myself so maybe talking about you might help. I think you are a rebel without a cause or at least one that will make people applaud. I think you are subtle and destitute, unbefitting into the box marked "you"....confused, aloof, drowning in truth. I think you like being lied to simply because it gives you nothing to chew...your food for thought has been bought by the system . I think you wear a mask of pride but rumbling inside are the rivers you cry in the black of night while begging for the sun of light. I think you are fruit past it's season,decaying from the pulp of your treason. I think you've betrayed yourself, traded in your expression for the keeping of your stealth. Soon everyone will know you move mountains with the blink of an eye and paint rainbows in the sky. That when you hurt the angels refuse to fly and people die. Some can already see that your smile is what brings the green to the trees, laughter to the seas, men to their knees, babies to their ease, flight to the bees, confessions to the priest. Your pitch is high as the moon on which you reside, you glow with pulse of rhythm in the key of I. You are of duplicity, the creater and the created. You are of multiplicity, through you have come many. You are quiet when it's loud and quiet when it's not. You speak only when your words are sought. You are a dream, difficult to capture but hard to forget, you are peace like the day after the world comes to an end. I'm not comfortable talking about myself so it's something I just won't do, even if talking about me sounds a lot like talking about you.

GOODENess on May 5, 2009 at 3:35 PM said...

I am my brother's keeper...
Life sowing, love reaper...
Embracing the Sun people...
Possessing a quiet power unequalled...
I try to make it look easy, but it is so damn hard…
To operate on pretense…
Emotionally handicapped…
Void of the ability to open what’s now closed…
I suppose…
It’s up to me, to be, better not bitter…
Always healing, evolving, never a quitter….
Just bruised, but not broken…
Behaving as though my soul is not smoking…
From the spot where it’s mate burned it…
no love but I've earned it...
Tears of joy and pain mix with tequila sunrise…
And stream paths of forgiveness from my eyes…
Tragically beautiful…
Dangerously wonderful…
I awkwardly smile at my reflection and paint my lips with and similes…
Foreshadowing and innuendo allude to the very scent of me…
Embodying effortlessly what few others pretend to be…
poetically sexy!


tiffdoowop on May 5, 2009 at 5:18 PM said...

well this is about me. about what i thought...

i thought it was gon' be like...
black sand
four prints
glimpses of orion spyin'
naughty fingers sticking
honey dripping toes
kisses by the lips, some by the nose
giggles muffled by egyptian cotton african clothes
clicking teeth when open mouths are close
two tickets
two mirrors
two straws
no pause just play
slow motion for me
real potent for me
morning sickness
3 times
2 boys
1 dime
the eldest can fly
the middle sun learns calculus at 5
the little girl loves my man
barefoot little feet on wooden floors
hop scotch
painted walls with crayon
love celebrations
white sheets
kinky hair
kiny love
kinky reggae
bob marley
ganja party
sex hugs
kisses on necks
tongue to tongue
baby girl next
surprise is sprung
fat thighs
warm milk
family ties
growing pains
full house
no death
perfect love
perfect life
perfect health
i thought wrong.

sabrina on May 5, 2009 at 8:05 PM said...

The hardest subject so goes...I'm accident prone, so I thought I'd write about that

Skinned knees
Scratched up elbows
How in the hell did I trip and fall again?
Invisible obstacles that somehow
Grab my ankles and turn my head
Clumsiest person I know
Started when I was young
Never grew out of it
Now spending time getting to know
I-beams, doorjambs, walls,
OSHA recordables, first aids,
workmen's comp case managers
Urgent care doctors
How in the hell?

Naturally Sarcastic said...

I know I'm late... but at least I made it right?? LOL. Uhm, here goes...

I am me,
I don't know how else to be.
Always wearing a smile,
Cabbage patch looking cheeks.
Over achieving, always striving
for the success I patiently seek.
Loving Sister to blood and water
Loyal lover, humbled daughter.
Precious since birth...
I am Me.
That's All I can be.

amymay on May 12, 2009 at 10:36 AM said...

Sooo so late! Was on some other stuff last week! ;)

I am so many things, so tell me what you need.

I don't yet know who you want me to be.

The fiercely protective mother, yea, that's me. Meddle with my progeny and you'll see.

The dependable sister. Again, that's me. A role that gets old as time or the sea.

Dutiful daughter? Three for three. Mom died, I inherited the old man for free.

Hands of healing are attached to me. I'm good at my work, strenghthening sick and weak.

Compassionate friend? Is that what you need? Come see me, we can proceed.

Yielding lover, to one only. And only with him am I sublimely the real me.

So you ask who I am? Me? I am what and who and where I need to be.



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