Wednesday, April 29

The E-Posse

left to right: Sagacious Bear, DaPoet, Queen Ig
  • Just a reminder to check out the flyest, freshest, funniest, foolishest bloggers in the game known as the E-Posse, we da bess!...

Hooray Spoken Word!

I will be featuring at Mansion 462 in Chapel Hill, NC on May 18th... check flyer out below!

Visit their website:
Listen live on Monday's at 8:30 pm:

Monday, April 27

Blog Poetry Slam 15: Social Networking

Hey poets and poetry lovers... this weeks topic is Social Networking, so fitting, as you are engaging in social networking as we speak.... So let's see what ya got... look forward to the poems....

Ode to Love Social Networking

If they only knew what this life can do to you, they would leave it alone...let it go extinct, but they can't!

It keeps callin like the scent of antelope blood to lionesses on the pride...they hunger for it...can't see the eminent dangers with their eyes.

If they could only see what pain this life brings to me, they wouldn't meddle...yet alone dabble...their hearts wold drop; flutter without blood...nothing to clot as this life drains you of all....


Sunday, April 26

Haiku Warmup: Social Networking

I couldn't think of an idea for a topic this week, so I asked my buddies on twitter and the fabulous, beautiful @reporter4651 ( gave me the idea of making "Social Networking" the topic... how apropos... so let's get to flexing our creative muscles to get ready for the Poetry Blog Slam on Tuesday! So let the haiku roll!

I need to slow down
But Drugs are hard to give up
Twitter is my crack

myspace is the hood
i stepped on a used syringe
when i clicked the link.

Your turn!

Tuesday, April 21

Poetry Blog Slam 14 - Badu

Hey, this week let's just write a poem that is inspired by a song over to your left on the Erykah Badu playlist or anything from her catalog... Be good y'all, I'll drop a little something below as well.... hope to see your fabulous poems in the comments... Muah!

inspired by "Next Lifetime"

I'm a little sad.
I'm a little happy.
and mixed emotions weigh more.
than the sum of their parts.
so right now.
don't tell me.
to lighten up.

Sunday, April 19

Haiku Warmup

Since Tuesday's are the Poetry Blog Slam, I think we should warmup a little bit before, and also give you a little extra time to prepare... the topic will be the same, I'll be writing a bunch of haiku, and I hope you do the same.... this week's theme is: Erykah Badu...

here's my first one...more to come:

things ain't perfect now
but we'll figure it out soon
forget next lifetime

Thursday, April 16

Twitter Foolery with The PBG: ANTM

Last night after watching America's Next Top Model my E-Sis and I went in on the judges. It was all my fault for starting it..... Please finish all liquids you may be consuming before reading this, don't say I didn't warn ya!

naturallyalise: I had a dream that Tyra's baby hair stole my soul.....

ThePBG: @naturallyalise I dreamed Ms.Jay's bowtie jumped offa his neck and choked the shit outta me.

naturallyalise: @ThePBG I dreamed someone took the stick out of Nigel's ass and bludgeoned me to death with it...

naturallyalise: @ThePBG and then Tyra's ego and forehead joined forces and ate Chicago.

ThePBG: @naturallyalise I dreamed Paulina unzipped her skin & Janice Dickinson stepped out & swallowed me whole w/that trout mouf.

naturallyalise: @ThePBG LMAO! I had a dream that Mr. Jay's hair gel revolted and relaxed my hair...

ThePBG: @naturallyalise I dreamed Tyra threw me down, snatched out my eyes & stuck them in her mouth so she could smile w/them

naturallyalise: @ThePBG I think Tyra's lacefront glue leaked and caused her to be stuck on stupid.

ThePBG: @naturallyalise I think she sets up all her wigs in her room @ night as an audience & practices her talk show. Be askin' em questions too.

You can see more of my e-sis on any of her fabulous blogs

Also see more Twitter foolishness here:

Monday, April 13

Blog Poetry Slam 13: Speed...

Welcome to the 13th installment of Naturally Alise's Blog Poetry Slam.... so the rules are the same as every week:

I will present a word/theme AND picture. In the comments write a poem (no matter how short or long, serious or silly) that:
Uses or relates to the word or theme
Relates to one of the pictures
inspired by a song on the playlist

Isn't that simple!?!? After the word and picture will be a poem of mine for an example of what to do. I will write a new piece in the comments along with you guys!


(i will continue my poem from earlier this past weekend
for mine)

i write. the beat of a perfect drummer
my heart.
divinely produced beats.
any speed...
I can kick freestyles over palpitations...
while the DJ skips beats
and then slows it down.....
or rock acapella over cardiac arrests.
but no worries...
my pen knows CPR.
..... the words live on.


Sunday, April 12

Haiku Warm-Up 2

Since the haiku warm-up was such a hit AND pleasure last week, I decided to keep the party going...... here's a recap of the instructions:

since Tuesday's are the Poetry Blog Slam, I think we should warmup a little bit before, and also give you a little extra time to prepare... the topic will be the same, I'll be writing a bunch of haiku, and I hope you do the same.... this week's topic is: SPEED....

cliches be lying.
early birds don't get the worm.
the fast bird gets it

one night stands , jump offs
i ain't going out like that
slow down, wrap it up

The Red Pump Project)

now my heart is racing.
it is getting nowhere fast.
treadmill dating sucks.

now y'all give it a try.....

...give the drummer some

fragment of a poem i am working on.... sneak preview of sorts...

i write the beat of a perfect drummer
my heart.
divinely produced beats.
kicking freestyles over palpitations...

Monday, April 6

Poetry Blog Slam: Colors

Welcome to the 12th installment of Naturally Alise's Blog Poetry Slam.... so the rules are the same as every week:

I will present a word/theme AND picture. In the comments write a poem (no matter how short or long, serious or silly) that:

Uses or relates to the word or theme
Relates to one of the pictures

Isn't that simple!?!? After the word and picture will be an old poem of mine for an example of what to do. I will write a new piece in the comments along with you guys!


“Love at first sight…..”

I walked in and you caught my eye
It was as if your divine beauty relentlessly pursued my optic nerve just to give you a second glance.

My heart skipped a beat...
Your hip hop track of life infiltrated my stone cold heart's chamber music, and all I could do was try to stay on beat...

You had flown, soared, aviated, ascended, rose, scaled, and climbed to the apex of my sparked interest...

I swear when you spoke you sparked such a pyrotechnic display of smoldering sultriness, that I couldn't help but sweat you...

I wanted your digits….to figure out the derivative of your good nature, be around to witness the product of your multiplicity of goals, and see how they all add up to make your total package.

I wanted you to do me like poetry, me the paper... and you: the apparatus for the documentation of my inspiration, your ink filling my soul's empty page....

Oh yeah, nice to meet you……

Can I borrow some of your time,
Just pencil me in,
Actually erase that, ink me in.
So I can see what flows freely from your fountain pen

Color me tickled pink with your mind's magnificent marker
No need to stay in the lines…
I like surprises on my soul's empty page

I long to live vicariously through your ballpoint,
So I can trace what lies within you.
Assist in the manifestation of your dreams…
Witness the culmination of your passion.
As you satiate my souls empty page.

Sunday, April 5

Haiku Warm-Up

Hey, did you know that April is National Poetry month? Well, now you know.... So I decided to try a little something... since Tuesday's are the Poetry Blog Slam, I think we should warmup a little bit before, and also give you a little extra time to prepare... the topic will be the same, I'll be writing a bunch of haiku, and I hope you do the same.... this week's topic is: COLORS....

i dream in color
but the saddest thing of all
my life's black and white.


sure roses are red
but they are generic gifts
i prefer yellow


Luvvie, no offense.
but if hair had an aura
yours would be dark gray

Give it a try, I'll be writing them all night and tomorrow....

stir crazy

i'd say i'm stir crazy
but that ain't quite right
bc my crazy is sitting still
and i sure could use
some stirring up.....

Friday, April 3

punks jump up.....

I'm a punk-ass Poet:
Hot on the page, but not in the streets
I am analytical and critical
So, yeah, I'm a hater
I am imaginative and use my poetic license
So I guess I'm a faker, a perpetrator i suppose
I call shenanigans on nonsensical bullshit...
Will I speak up , and get beat down?
Will keeping it real go wrong?
I wonder do lyrical snitches get stitches....

Thursday, April 2

talib kweli....



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