Monday, April 6

Poetry Blog Slam: Colors

Welcome to the 12th installment of Naturally Alise's Blog Poetry Slam.... so the rules are the same as every week:

I will present a word/theme AND picture. In the comments write a poem (no matter how short or long, serious or silly) that:

Uses or relates to the word or theme
Relates to one of the pictures

Isn't that simple!?!? After the word and picture will be an old poem of mine for an example of what to do. I will write a new piece in the comments along with you guys!


“Love at first sight…..”

I walked in and you caught my eye
It was as if your divine beauty relentlessly pursued my optic nerve just to give you a second glance.

My heart skipped a beat...
Your hip hop track of life infiltrated my stone cold heart's chamber music, and all I could do was try to stay on beat...

You had flown, soared, aviated, ascended, rose, scaled, and climbed to the apex of my sparked interest...

I swear when you spoke you sparked such a pyrotechnic display of smoldering sultriness, that I couldn't help but sweat you...

I wanted your digits….to figure out the derivative of your good nature, be around to witness the product of your multiplicity of goals, and see how they all add up to make your total package.

I wanted you to do me like poetry, me the paper... and you: the apparatus for the documentation of my inspiration, your ink filling my soul's empty page....

Oh yeah, nice to meet you……

Can I borrow some of your time,
Just pencil me in,
Actually erase that, ink me in.
So I can see what flows freely from your fountain pen

Color me tickled pink with your mind's magnificent marker
No need to stay in the lines…
I like surprises on my soul's empty page

I long to live vicariously through your ballpoint,
So I can trace what lies within you.
Assist in the manifestation of your dreams…
Witness the culmination of your passion.
As you satiate my souls empty page.


amymay on April 6, 2009 at 10:22 PM said...

our colors

sometimes i wonder about you
and me
and us

sometimes it feels like i never had another home
and sometimes if feels like i don't know what home is
or where

sometimes is most times, really
when i wonder about colors
and cultures
and families
and friends
and trends
and what if

and i make myself crazy
until my heart can hear yours
and i don't care who thinks what
or says what
or how they look at us
or if they turn away from us
or if they speak
or if they don't
or any of that

i just know that i feel what i feel
know what i know
believe what i believe
accept what i accept
understand what i understand
and love whom i love

(lol, my word verification is locked)

NaturallyAlise on April 6, 2009 at 10:39 PM said...

Miss Amy sent e a lovely compliment via twitter and this is my response to her in haiku form:

blushes a bright red
it now matches my aura
hot, spicy, flattered

VerbFashion on April 6, 2009 at 11:20 PM said...

Your hue demonstrates opposing words
I figured today you were red
Fiery tongue spitting passionately
Your feelings rung
I play Pictionary with Crayola
Pencil only works in shades of gray
Though I remember being erased
I’d probably be purple
Not quite blue
Not at all pink
Not evenly in between
Leaned closer to filled in
Than not shaded at all
Thought the last was artistic
You because you traced him
Discovered not at all
Permanently mark me
Be sure to use black
The past still seems colorful
Create Picassos so surreal
Watercolor to canvas
Make us artistic
While I pose
And dream of pastel
This time

eysqueen on April 7, 2009 at 4:56 AM said...

chocking on the carolina blue lie
championships built on black backs
turning red, not from love, because they dont love us, but red from anger...
the only time you let us in is when we can win
baby blue aint never loved coco brown
dont get it twisted...

Naturally Sarcastic said...

Sun beams thru my blackout curtains,
Neutral Colors greet me again.
Illuminated thru HD screens.
Pale blue Windows,
in corners of red, green, and yellow.
Click, click, tick, tick, clack, clack.
Boredom breeds shades of grey.
Circling my day,
enveloping my present,
lulling me to sleep.
Neutral colors, sing me a lullaby as I wait for sun beams to peek thru my blackout curtains.

The Pretty Brown Girl on April 7, 2009 at 10:08 AM said...

my poem isn't ready yet, I just had to shout out my girl Eysqueen for that poem!

Yes ma'am!

I'll be back w/mine later.

Phat Gurl Love on April 7, 2009 at 12:36 PM said...

My red lips
on your blackness
make me feel blue.
You give me the green to make me sing that bright yellow harmonic melody.

My pink underclothes laying by the unopened purple condom make me wonder what our children will look like.

Hershey Brown like you or Vanilla Wafer sweet like me. Your milky white cream drips down my throat like a white water raft going over the edge of Niagara.

I know what it's going to be after this, a bright orange sunrise, piercing into my gray eyes, filled with promises of a new day.

Falling into a pit of unsatisfied men all colors, red, white, blue, purple, clear..filing a void of emptiness in my colonial blue soul. Filling me up with overflowing rivers of color.

sabrina on April 7, 2009 at 8:02 PM said...

Purple, hazy love
Royal blue words bring a smile
To my face and heart

The Pretty Brown Girl on April 7, 2009 at 8:32 PM said...

I wrote this poem 7 years ago for my BFF Tara. We had just had an argument because I'd called her "saditty" for calling colors names like "heather" instead of just saying "gray". It's on a yellowing piece of paper that I keep in my Prayer Box.

The Colors of Friendship
for Tara P.

Warm orange; togetherness
The toasty mandarin of security
Scorching red; the heat of disagreement
Scarlet disgust of a point of view gone askew
Baby blue unconditional love
The periwinkle of always being there no matter what
Yellow purity
The bright sunflower of happiness
Your friendship brings
The gray of missing you when
You're not here
Heather teardrops of loneliness
Hope swirls in big and pink
Fuschia expectations

Black knowing...
Belief in all.

~pbg 2/2002

Luvvie on April 8, 2009 at 8:25 AM said...

A Luvvie Original. Dedicated to my eSis Alise.

*clears throat*

Gray is for the dust that emits from your hair whenever you comb it
White is for the flakes on ur scalp
Red is for the blood you draw when you touch your hair and prick your fingers
Brown is for the sandstorm that is ur essence

Thank You


NaturallyAlise on April 8, 2009 at 10:08 PM said...

i saw this wonderful colors poem on this blog:



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