Monday, April 27

Blog Poetry Slam 15: Social Networking

Hey poets and poetry lovers... this weeks topic is Social Networking, so fitting, as you are engaging in social networking as we speak.... So let's see what ya got... look forward to the poems....

Ode to Love Social Networking

If they only knew what this life can do to you, they would leave it alone...let it go extinct, but they can't!

It keeps callin like the scent of antelope blood to lionesses on the pride...they hunger for it...can't see the eminent dangers with their eyes.

If they could only see what pain this life brings to me, they wouldn't meddle...yet alone dabble...their hearts wold drop; flutter without blood...nothing to clot as this life drains you of all....



eysqueen on April 28, 2009 at 7:34 AM said...

socially I’m a butterfly
too fly to land on just one thing
but the haters got my network down
trashed by cords
twisted my cables
freaking haters
but this butterfly will rise again

GOODENess on April 28, 2009 at 10:01 AM said...

In the beginning, there was just a BlackPlanet...
The darkness gave way to the first, I was fright-ened...but then felt enlight-ened...cause I met HIM and HE soothed me...
Later, HE brought me tears and I told HIM I needed MySpace!
I found myself discovering new lover...a special, very yellow VerySmartBrotha...
HIS friend request was approved...pic msgs tattoo'd on my eyelids, cuz I can still see him...but HE's gone now cuz he downloaded a new operating system...I guess I'm a PC and she's a MAC...he tried to switch back...HE tried to kiss my FACE(book), wrote a BLOG, but nothing could make me give a TWIT!


Naturally Sarcastic said...

If I don't know you in real life,
Then your friend request will be denied.
I could care less if you think its trife.
In these days and times you can't just connect
with every old tom and mark lurking on the net.
So what we were in the same elementary class?
Just cuz you on facebook now and saw a still don't know me...a$s!



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