Monday, April 13

Blog Poetry Slam 13: Speed...

Welcome to the 13th installment of Naturally Alise's Blog Poetry Slam.... so the rules are the same as every week:

I will present a word/theme AND picture. In the comments write a poem (no matter how short or long, serious or silly) that:
Uses or relates to the word or theme
Relates to one of the pictures
inspired by a song on the playlist

Isn't that simple!?!? After the word and picture will be a poem of mine for an example of what to do. I will write a new piece in the comments along with you guys!


(i will continue my poem from earlier this past weekend
for mine)

i write. the beat of a perfect drummer
my heart.
divinely produced beats.
any speed...
I can kick freestyles over palpitations...
while the DJ skips beats
and then slows it down.....
or rock acapella over cardiac arrests.
but no worries...
my pen knows CPR.
..... the words live on.



Alix on April 13, 2009 at 10:17 PM said...

I sat on the beat
letting my hips the work.
I leaned my head back
back arched
riding the slow tempo
to satisfaction.

amymay on April 13, 2009 at 10:19 PM said...

The minutes together pass so quickly, like hummingbird wings.
The seconds apart last for years and my mind sings
away the time, away the time
go faster, pass faster,

Then I look around and find, I find, that rushing the clock, wishing away the days has left me missing. Missing me, missing you and missing days. Missing what I should have been, seen, done.

So I gotta let it go at it's own pace, this time. Let the clock define it's own race. Let the seconds pass as they will.

*ok, this is so imperfect and composed on the fly, but's a slam...all extemporaneous an' shyt!*

King James on April 15, 2009 at 5:33 AM said...

Wonderin why she can’t understand
I don’t need to date
That aint my plan
Umma either want you
Or not
I know where my heart will land
Rather I will know then
Not sure how other men have been
But all that matters now is me
And her
This we
Can’t be rushed
Or sped through
Not saying god has to lead us through
Just that what I’ve said is true
Tears don’t turn red to blue
She moving too fast
Can can’t appreciate the view

not very 'poetic' I'd say.. but it's on topic.

Come show me some luv.. i'm up now.

Naturally Sarcastic said...

Fast forward the time
Just to slow my thoughts.
The speed of things ain't in sync.
Life just stops
Everything else still goes.
The speed of things ain't in sync.
Going no where fast,
Going no where slow.
Going to no where
with no where to go.
The speed of things just ain't in sync.



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