Tuesday, June 2

Blog Poetry Slam 19: Dreams

I have been having a lot of strange dreams lately, so i think that should be our theme for Poetry Blog Slam Tuesday Wednesday (I forgot yesterday, life has been busy and hectic, lol). How's that sound? I am gonna share a piece after the picture and another in the comments, please join me... I look forward to reading your poems, they can be short (even haiku), long, serious, or funny: it's up to you! Happy Writing!

had a dream
i was rocking karate shoes
singing about my glow
and fighting

had a nightmare
i was rocking a sad face
saying i was leaving
and you weren't fighting

...for me.

....your turn....


NaturallyAlise on June 2, 2009 at 9:04 PM said...

You may think I am a slacker, bullshitter, regretter
I swear I want to be a go-getter,
Once i figure what I want to go get
I am sure there are great things to which I aspire
But constant indecision constantly puts out my fire
Past demons scare away the potential I hold,
I am holding a full house, but still I fold...
...and bend and hold back
But yet you judge me, not realizing I too am mourning bad decisions I can never get back.
You see my Boardwalk dreams get lost somewhere in this Baltic Ave. reality
But I always stop myself and realize I can't pass go with this mentality...

amymay on June 2, 2009 at 10:25 PM said...

Slumber summons, and I respond.
I take my nightly pilgrimage to the Land of Nod.
Never knowing who I might meet, but always hoping you'll come to me.

Somewhere in that space between Heaven and Earth,
I long for the womb that gave me birth.
Disappointmens, missed appointments and fruitless search.

Night after night, I pray,
to feel Mamma's hands
on my face.

When there are things on my heart no one will understand but you.
When I need to hear grounding words of truth.
When I need the comfort only a mother's touch can hold.
When my hopes wane, and the world seems cold.

So often waking to face another day of your absence,
and the pain gets so old,
but never lessens.

But the rare encounters in the Land of Dreams
make the pilgrimage worth the journey.
We laugh, and cry, and love
and talk it all out over coffee.

And when the parting comes, I wake with tears on my face.
I know I'll try again,
to find you, to see you, to be your child
in the space between Earth and Heaven.

ugh...soooo sappy... Just read The Lovely Bones n been missing my Mom... oh well, it is what it is.

Naturally Sarcastic said...

I have dreams of 8-4
hell even a 7-3, cuz a girl can't survive a 9-5.
I have dreams of direct deposit,
401(k) contributions being matched 100%.
I have dreams of security, relaxation and to finally be able to exhale.

Then, I wake up, eat cereal, and sit in the formed cushion on my couch and watch as the dreams and days go by.

sabrina on June 7, 2009 at 7:39 PM said...

Absence of dreams
Sleeping so hard that I don't
Remember my thoughts



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