Wednesday, June 24

miss you?

i wrote this the end of last year... i am feeling it right now. Sometimes I get tired of saying "I miss you" ? Well that's what this poem is about....

miss u ?
Lost in a labyrinth of lonely.
Longing to linger and loiter in your laughter again.
At times you may feel my emotional lexicon is lacking
I am tired of trying to total these thoughts:
..... with the miniscule mouthing of "miss you"

*and this song below has got me feeling some kinda way especially when the track hits 2:50 .... wooo chile...


VerbFashion on June 25, 2009 at 11:08 AM said...

you're effin' awesome with the words!

amymay on June 26, 2009 at 9:18 PM said...

you are so amazing!! your words touch my heart... especially right now.



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