Sunday, June 21

Blog Poetry Slam Greatest Hits: Part 1

Just so you know I love the poems you guys write for the Tuesday Blog Poetry Slams... I read and digest every single one. I want to highlight some pieces that I love, there are lot to choose from, so these are some that stuck out... I will highlight pieces from commenters every week! By the way: I love y'all!

(tomorrow's topic is the 7 deadly sins by the way)

Poetry Blog Slam 12: Colors
eysqueen said...

chocking on the carolina blue lie
championships built on black backs
turning red, not from love, because they dont love us, but red from anger...
the only time you let us in is when we can win
baby blue aint never loved coco brown
dont get it twisted...

Blog Poetry Slam 1: Sleep
The Pretty Brown Girl said...

Sweet slumber, take my hand
Lead me into the starry far reaches of my imagination
Place with in my reach the dreams that may come true
Envelop me in the softness of the sublime reenactments of my daily mundane.
Sleep, show me future as I rest from the now.
Set the stage for the intertwining of time and space right here within my small piece of the universe
Interpret my biggest fears in a way that I won't fully understand until I either die or...

wake up.

Blog Poetry Slam 13: Speed...
Naturally Sarcastic said...

Fast forward the time
Just to slow my thoughts.
The speed of things ain't in sync.
Life just stops
Everything else still goes.
The speed of things ain't in sync.
Going no where fast,
Going no where slow.
Going to no where
with no where to go.
The speed of things just ain't in sync.

from Blog Poetry Slam 20: Numbers
K. Michel said...

It was a moment to taste her pie.
My neck encircled by two sides, I,
Felt I was ready but I,
Couldn't handle the radii.
She co-signed... damn!
Dividing her two ankles,
I didn't want to regress; I tried to best fit the angle.
But I couldn't try an angle with two ankles.
It was worse when that English girl left for a couple of bilinguals.

from Poetry Slam 11: Drugs...
She Hate Me said...





2 dollars? Not enough.

Steal some stuff, isn't that tough.

Get a job. Get a place.

Get somewhere to hide my face.

Now I get my fix more often. Speech is getting better daily. I don't have to go without, as a matter of fact it's rarely. I look in the mirror, I sure do look different. Feel that way, too. Now I got my own personal supply, heh, who knew?

I'll never sell it though, this white girl is my best friend. She was here through everything, stuck by me till the end.

I married the dope. Tried to think of different ways to get high, but none works, nope. She gets mad, disappears too fast, simply because now I always wants a piece of her ***. My boy called, said to come through, stat. He's got something new for me to taste, it's called Crack.

It's time to divorce you and leave you alone. You've already taken my car and home. All I got left is this coffee mug.. I wish that sex wasn't my favorite drug.

But it is. Time for a new high.


GOODENess on June 21, 2009 at 9:40 PM said...

WOW!! ya'll got my pen moving over here...I am inspired and in awe all at the same time! HAWT SHIT!!

Naturally Sarcastic said...

awwww shucky ducky! I made the list! *does a jig and a stanky leg and goes to sat down!*

amymay on June 22, 2009 at 8:59 AM said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE all of those pieces!!

She Hate Me on June 23, 2009 at 7:53 PM said...


Thank you! I feel good now. And, I think that just cured my writer's block!



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