Monday, June 29

Blog Poetry Slam 23: SIlence

This is the 23rd installment of my weekly Blog Poetry Slam, so glad you stopped on by. I thought maybe today we can write poems about silence. Do you accept the challenge? I am gonna share a piece after the picture and another in the comments, please join me... I look forward to reading your poems, they can be short (even haiku), long, serious, or funny: it's up to you! Happy Writing!

i hate...

i don't want to hear
memories then have my undivided attention
nothing to drown out the incessant firing of synapses
playing target practice with my pain.

so turn the music up.

your turn...


eysqueen on June 30, 2009 at 5:17 AM said...

I ask a question, they tell me to be quiet
I reiterate a concern, met with silence
common sense, an action, a cry for integrity
something, please, someone do
nothing but silence
deafening silence
repressive silence
complacent silence
I’m listening for the cure
salved by silence
once a peace, now an annoyance
sssilence has betrayed me…

amymay on June 30, 2009 at 7:28 AM said...

In the morning before the dawning
as I rise in anticipation, preparation
is the silence
meditative, contemplative and receptive.
I am open to the possibilities of a new day.

A new day full of voices, and alarms and bells and beeps, and telephones and cries and demands.
A day full of noise and movement and chaos.

I know there will be no peace, no silence, unless death pays a visit to the halls... that subdues it all for a moment, but then it's business as usual. Movement and chaos and noise. Alarms and bells and beeps.

In the late evening, after the house is in bed, there is the silence again... but not really. In my ears the echoes of the alarms and bells and beeps fade slowly. In the silence I hear them until sleep takes me. Only knowing true silence again in the morning.

GOODENess on June 30, 2009 at 3:11 PM said...

if you listen close...
to the space between heartbeats...
you will hear my smile...

amymay on June 30, 2009 at 3:19 PM said...

@Goody... gave me chills!!

The Pretty Brown Girl on June 30, 2009 at 5:17 PM said...

Michael is gone now.
No one else will ever do.
Today, silence is enough.


NaturallyAlise on June 30, 2009 at 5:35 PM said...

ladies... these are so beautiful y'all always inspire.

i found an old piece of mine that is silence related:

silent treatment

the worst arguments are.

shouting with absence.
screaming with nothingness.
side eying emptiness.

...and pointless.

sabrina on June 30, 2009 at 6:11 PM said...

Listen (shhh)
The music stopped
In the midst of all the noise,
CNN, TMZ, Entertainment Tonight, BET,
The voice has been silenced.

He's singing in Heaven, y'all.
Relax in Paradise, Michael J. Jackson, Sr.
King of POP



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