Monday, June 22

Blog Poetry Slam 22: 7 Deadly Sins

This is the 22nd installment of my weekly Blog Poetry Slam, so glad you stopped on by. I thought maybe today we can write poems about one (or all) of the 7 "deadly sins"*. Do you accept the challenge? I am gonna share a piece after the picture and another in the comments, please join me... I look forward to reading your poems, they can be short (even haiku), long, serious, or funny: it's up to you! Happy Writing!
7 deadly sins:

Just Say No..... (poem) *a piece me and my blog partner Tiha wrote a while back

Hypocritical US always on their high white horse
Pointing syringes, I mean fingers and aiming nuclear weapons
Government dope fiends
With no righteous vein in sight
Do anything for a dollar
Just to squander
.....on instant gratification
...and long term suffering
12-steps ain't working
The United States of Arrogance can't get past step 1
Admitting the problem
And their pride cushions all their faults
But even they can't make the destruction any more comfy
......Witless leadership pacified by heroin dreams

...your turn....


amymay on June 22, 2009 at 11:35 PM said...

I've got no business feelin this thrill every time I hear your step down the hall...
The steady stride, the confidence in the step, I don't even have to look up to know who approaches, the hair on the back of my neck tells me who...

and whoooo... I feel it in the electricity that suddenly fills the room....

and you got no business lookin at me like that, or puttin that tone in your voice, or touchin my arm as you pass.... with five feet of room on every side... but you're playin the game coz it feeds your ego... and I'm playin along coz you're fine... and

you know I'm lustin for you, and you know I got a man that I love... and I know I'm lustin for you, and I know I got a man that I love....
And we both know that no good can come of it if I join you for a friendly drink... coz drinks can get too frienly, if you know what I mean...

So let's just leave it alone. I'll take my lust on home... and you can keep your satisfied belief that a little more effort could get you there too.

NaturallyAlise on June 23, 2009 at 5:43 AM said...

good one girl... glad you were able to come though and just let it out!

here's an angry piece from me:

You probably think this poem is about you
well this one time you're right.
there's a thin line between self love and vain
and your prideful shoe muddied with narcissism is straddling...
and down shit's creek you are paddling
set on a course to my last nerve.
so, for the record:
Go somewhere and sit down
because it ain't all about you.

~Naturally Alise~

ESS AY VEE OH EL OH YOO ESS! on June 23, 2009 at 7:48 AM said...

I’m a glutton for lustful punishment. I pounce on the peen with a wrath so mean.

Got a greed for the green like a lawn needing seed.

I get dumb silly, living willy-nilly as a sloth.
I put on a coat of effort, then go to battle and take it off.

You envy me cuz my words be delicious? It’s cuz I take pride in my prose and freak the flow like I’m Vicious

amymay on June 23, 2009 at 10:45 AM said...

"pounce on the peen with a wrath so mean."


GOODENess on June 23, 2009 at 8:56 PM said...

my *LUST*, was busting from the seams of my jeans...
as I sucked my familiar flavor from each one of his fing-ers...
giving special attention to the one with the wedding ring...
it seems as though I am a *GLUTTON* for punishment...
because to him it only meant...
a chance to feel the warmth of my sunshine, w/o getting burned...
but his *GREED* fed my need, to feel needed...
an emptiness deep-seated in stich of my fabric...
we were active...the only resemblence of *SLOTH* was the limp, damp wash cloth...that he used before he would return to his bride..
my *PRIDE* wouldn't let me *ENVY* her...
in truth...she wanted me too...
made overt passes at my ass that allowed me to rationalize giving her husband what was between my thighs...
making him my Sun God...'s over...tired of suffering my own *WRATH*...I chose the right path...away from those sins on the shelf...
It's one thing to be played but another to play myself...

eysqueen on June 24, 2009 at 6:07 AM said...

My pride wont let me envy the stability of your soul
but I’m greedy with the need to be at peace like you
I lust for the tranquility of a spirit
free of what binds me to these earthly soul sucking diseases
I lust for the enjoyment of a wrath free life
but my frustration keeps me surrounded in the sloth of my anger
for what I cannot have
peace of mind
sinning nightly with deadly thoughts of how I can take what I have not earned
thoughts of how I can be redeemed from the tools of my demise
if I envy your serenity and plot to greedily take it all,
will it ever truly be mines? or will I spend eternity paying for all the sins that prompted me to be stuck in this deadly circle of wants, needs, gotta haves, just to be at peace?

eysqueen on June 24, 2009 at 6:07 AM said...

@ GOODNess, thats that fire!!!!

sabrina on June 25, 2009 at 7:30 PM said...

Too lazy to write
Slothfulness is truly an
Easy sin to feel



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