Monday, March 1

Blog Poetry Slam 42: Clichés

In my lifetime I have heard so many clichés. Some of them were helpful, most weren't. I had an idea to write a poem about a cliche you either agree with or think is full of shit.

Here are some suggestions:
Absence makes the heart grow fonder
Actions speak louder than words.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
Birds of a feather flock together

Stuff like that. So take it and run with it. Write a poem and leave it in the comments. Your poem can be serious or silly, short or long, or even a haiku. Happy writing!

I chose: "Time heals all wounds" and wrote a series of haiku...

time heals no wounds
so i will face my demons
before it's too late

an infected soul
is all that you are left with
when time heals your wounds

i don't rely on time
I prefer Snoopy Band-Aids
to protect my wounds




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