Thursday, March 18

the leather chronicles...

*pleather in all its splendor*

It has been a long time since I have had a nice foolery, silly, slightly ignant twitter exchange with one of the members of my  illustrious ePosse, The PBG.  Today she shared one of her always amusing stories of DC Public Transit...  silliness ensued, so I thought I'd share:

thepbg: I wish this dude sittin nxt 2 me in this loud ass "leather" jacket wld keep the fk still. All that squeakin!

NaturallyAlise: "leather adjacent"....

thepbg: "Proximal leather"

NaturallyAlise: "leather twice removed"

thepbg: Assault w/attempted leather

NaturallyAlise: vehicular leather-cide

thepbg: PETA-friendly leather. No cows were harmed in the making of that jacket.

NaturallyAlise:  Objects on this jacket are less leathery than they appear.

thepbg: oh how I missed ur foolery! #ePosse

thepbg: please include the word "leatherette" in there somewhere.

Gotta love us!

Click to get links to ThePBG's blogs and twitter... she is a joy to follow!

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