Wednesday, March 31

National Poetry Month: Day 1

April is National Poetry Month.  I knew I loved April for a reason!  For this month I will write and post a poem every.single. day.  Hold me to it.  Also the second week of April I will be featuring some of my favorite poets.  i already have 2 lined up, drop me a line at naturallyalise (at) gmail (dot) com if you are interested in being featured as well!  So since this is April 1st, below will be the first of 30 poems to come...  enjoy!

(I will apologize now, the pieces may be raw and/or unfinished, but hell no one would know that but me, lol)

Day1 - I'm Just Sayin'

i am not bragging or boasting
but i think that poetry
[actually i'm quite sure]
was made just for me
i mean think about it:
it listens to all my problems
and i have a lot of those
so i'm sure i keep it pretty occupied
so it couldn't possibly have time for anyone else.
i'm just saying...




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