Tuesday, March 30

Blog Poetry Slam 45: Natural

Hello fellow poetry lovers! Since my stage name is Naturally Alise, and I have natural hair, and I am just generally naturally awesome; I decided for today's topic to be "natural". In the comments write a lovely poem. In can be serious or silly, long or short, even haiku. After the video is my poem. Can't wait to see what you guys come up with!

*I have 2 poems*

Natural Woman

You know Ms. Franklin, I feel ya....
I mean naturally, I should...
pun intended...
Someone walked into my life and inspired me.
in spite of the rain that delivered punches to my soul...
and left my inspiration beaten, bruised, battered and beleaguered.
[sigh, just tired]
...and made me feel
like a natural woman.

©2008 Naturally Alise

Naturally Me
Looking towards unfair standards of beauty

Feeling like fitting in was my duty....

But all that pressure was strand by strand damaging me.

Slowly breaking off from my own hand needlessly.

So scared to cut loose and put my true texture out there for all to see.

So afraid to display the natural me.

Longing to be.... naturally me.

But one day I awoke with a revelation.

That what was on and in my head was more than mere decoration.

It symbolized a needed transformation.

I was craving to be a new creation.

Realizing I didn't need others admiration,

I needed to feed my soul that was suffering from starvation.

Longing to be.... naturally me.

I picked up the scissors and years of insecurity fell to floor with just a few snips.

A sigh of relief quickly left my lips,

Walked to the mirror and saw a glow that nothing could eclipse,

I then looked and saw the beauty of all my features from my dark skin, full lips, and hips.

I now was at ease with my self image, finally coming to grips.

Realized this love for myself is my most important relationship.

And at last I was.... naturally me.

©2006 Naturally Alise

*just because here are a few of my favorite natural hair sites*




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