Wednesday, March 3

things fall apart...

This is a love poem I rarely see written, the poem where someone admits to their own f*ck-ups... I decided to take a stab at it... tell me what ya think:

I am a bitch
And don't worry I'm not saying this just to put myself down
I just want to be accurate
They say hindsight is 20/20 but I say it is 187
Because seeing what I should have done
And what we could have been kills me inside
I was supposed to love you to completion
But I let insecurity only let me give you 359 degrees
And now your heart is 32 degrees Fahrenheit and dropping
And I just want to hold you close so I can melt it
If you would just let me touch you then maybe I can show you
Maybe my love can seep in through osmosis
And maybe you can feel my metamorphosis
I heard someone say that hurt people... hurt people
I know pain in all its forms:

liquid tears, solid fears, and vapors of delusions
all states of matter...
at times I wonder if what I have to say really matters
I couldn't see I had the best thing for me standing in front of me
It has followed me all my days
How can I show you I love you
When my actions didn't always match
I know my words mean little
And that feels so bad because words are what I know
Words are the only things I have left
So I leave you with the five words I possess:
I love you, I'm sorry.




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