Tuesday, December 30


how can i be mad?
when your mistress...
is a pen.


Sunday, December 28

Truthfully Speaking

I don't want to be trite and say you are too good to be true
In fact that's not true......
I say you are so good that you must be true
True to yourself...
True to love...
True to you heart...
True to me.
I say I deserve what is good so it must be the truth....

Wednesday, December 24



I am going to leave that microphone looking, broccoli coiffed, Lilliputian alone, that is my sho' nuff buddy! In fact she doesn't love BET, but she does love my BET poem, so here goes, and everyone have a :

MURRAY CRIMMUS!!!!!!!!!!!!

"B to the E to the T...."

Okay, ya'll I am tired....

I like black,

I like entertainment,

and I even like television,

but somehow these put together has gone awry.....

I am so tired of the Barrage of Elicit Trash; Beaming Endlessly Through the television set.

Proclaiming rappers and Bare Empty Titillating models as heroes.

I am so tired of youth being Blinded at Every Turn, wool pulled over their eyes

While the wolf in sheep's clothing called BET draws them in

Hellfire is coming through the airwaves...

and day after day they Breathe Embers of Treachery

Don't you know our Babies Emulate This Trash!

Programming our youth to get those Bare Empty Trappings of unattainable riches by any means necessary.

Beautiful queens selling their souls for Bling, Excess, and Trinkets

Teaching our young men to Berate, Endanger, and Terrorize women

Portraying us as Bitches and Evil Thugs...

Yeah you and I should know better than to buy into it,

But yet we still sit and watch the BET awards,

And what is our reward as a people... Bondage, Entrapment, and Tears.......

This is a Brilliant Eradication Tactic that we are falling for hook line and sinker

Why not offer our youth Belief , Empowerment , and Truth

Instead of Broadcasting Egotistical Talentless pseudo-artists

Who Boldly Exclaim Tasteless and offensive lyrics from the rooftops,

And guess who is listening and paying to do it.......... Us!

Paying with our lives.....

BET or television for that matter, is not your Babysitter, Educator, or Therapist.....

It does more harm to us than the Bigots, Extremists, and Terrorists could ever do......

I need a new BET of thought:

Building, Edifcation, and Transformation

Brainstorming, Enlightening, and Training

Beauty, Energy, and Togetherness

Brigdebuilding, Equality, and Tolerance

So I am going to end my Bold Edgy Tirade with this:

Beware of the Enemy Taking over.....BET

-Naturally Alise - 2006

Tuesday, December 23

Luvvie ain't no thug...

Luvvie, member of my ePosse (which is actually 4 members not 3, but until Zee gets a blog she is on ePosse probabtion) whall be put on blast (and for the rest of the week). Luvvie has delusions of grandeur that she is some sort of thug being, au contraire mon frere is what I say.....

me: me and pbg been picking on u today
luvvie20: why?
me: talmbout u aint no thug
she said u dont have beef, u have tofu
luvvie20: hahahahaha
i hate that i love her
me: and i called you a Jive Tofurkey
luvvie20: lmao
hater ass hater
me: its funny though
i am not a hater, I'm a strong disliker
luvvie20: a severe abhorer
me: i an abhorer
luvvie20: hahaha
get out my head
me: all my favorite bloggers posted today and i havent had time to read
luvvie20: i aint posted
welll i jus did
i stand by the jacquard one
me: i am on the verge of quitting u
luvvie20: lol why u tryna quit me?
me: you are on probationary quit period
luvvie20: what i do??
me: iono
just sounded fun to say
luvvie20: lol

Monday, December 22

Luvvie is evil and must be stopped...


The ePosse consists of me, Luvvie & The PBG. Here is a peak in on our daily n0nsense:

This is what I have to go through everyday with the Ig One known as Luvvie.... But today I had the upper hand. Here is our daily hair battle!

Luvvie : well crunchy fro wishes r too
Alise: u were the first to wish a cruchy fro on me for the record
Luvvie : was i???
Alise: i got the recipts
Luvvie : i dont believe u
Luvvie : summon ur peeps
Luvvie : lol show me the receipts!
Alise: see my nerdy ass will really go find it too, lol
Alise: i shall not appease you ol' sandpaper fro essence
Luvvie : ol cacti follicled self
Alise: Tumbleweed Torrid Tresses
Alise: Calcified Coif
Luvvie : lmao!!!
Alise: and my requisite insult: Straw Hairhat
Luvvie : lol
Luvvie : dumb
Luvvie : i was gon call u arid hairhat

Sunday, December 21

Tagged by the weirdo Luvvie...

Ok. well the baby aged and fisted Luvvie, member of my ePosse (PBG is the third) tagged me, so here goes nuffin':

Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself.

1. I have a book. That is not weird or random, but I think you should check it out, it is only $10 and all the cool kids AND Luvvie are buying and reading it, check the link at the top right hand corner of the page or below:

Alise's poetry collection, "Alise in Wonderland", is now available online for purchase, click (this link) or the 'Add to Cart' button to purchase. Thanks, and happy reading!

2. I abhor Ranch Dressing (which almost got me kicked out of the ePosse), it is scary @ me, even the smell of it makes me naseous. This also includes Cool Ranch Doritos, ick.

3. I eat an inordinate amount of cereal. I eat it everyday, usually not for breakfast. All types of Cheerios make my heart smile.

4. I own all the seasons of Seinfeld on DVD (I love Seinfeld and Wu Tang Clan, go figure, lol)

5. I am addicted to Madden & Sims 2, it is not out of the ordinary for me to skip sleep to play these games.

6. I own a ridiculous amount of eyeshadow, I mentioned on twitter today that I need to add a wing on the house just to store it. Eyeshadow makes the world go round. Speaking of eyeshadow check out me and PBG's favorite beauty blog: Clumps of Mascara. This is my favorite eyeshadow below:

7. I don't like salads, except for green salads, I don't like potato salad, pasta salad, macaroni salad, cole slaw, etc.... why in the paprika hell would I eat this below?:

Thursday, December 18

the final thought.

Well, this is the exciting season finale of "Scary @ Me", enjoy......

scary @ me©*

i wanna write a love poem
but i am afraid
what if my alliterations ain't good enough
will i regret risking rejection
or punish myself for punking out on this poetic process.

i wanna write a love poem
but i am afraid
what if i have to change my style
you know I don't be rhyming
and at times I'm off with my timing
is this poem worth all the climbing
out of my comfort zone?

i wanna write a love poem
but i am afraid
I don't want to look like an oxymoron
because at times I am clearly misunderstood
and then things can get pretty ugly...

can you hand me your heart a pen?

i wanna write a love poem
but i am afraid
what if i get a preposition that i can't refuse
in my heart
opposite my head
beside my pride
outside my control.....

i wanna write a love poem
but i am afraid
i don't want to crash
or get caught speeding
or change lanes too fast
and have my creative license revoked

but i think
i wanna write a love blog
but i am afraid
what if no one reads it
and doesn't subscribe to my feelings
and makes no comments
after i put my heart into it


Wednesday, December 17

It's coming together: scary @ me (3):

I told y'all I write in fragments, well this little piece has been so fun to write and I keep adding to it, so this is what I've got so far, enjoy, tell me what ya think

scary @ me©*

i wanna write a love poem
but i am afraid
what if my alliterations ain't good enough
will i regret risking rejection
or punish myself for punking out on this poetic process.

i wanna write a love poem
but i am afraid
what if i have to change my style
you know I don't be rhyming
and at times I'm off with my timing
is this poem worth all the climbing
out of my comfort zone?

i wanna write a love poem
but i am afraid
I don't want to look like an oxymoron
because at times I am clearly misunderstood
and then things can get pretty ugly...

can you hand me your heart a pen?

i wanna write a love poem
but i am afraid
what if i get a preposition that i can't refuse
in my heart
opposite my head
beside my pride
outside my control.....

i wanna write a love poem
but i am afraid
i don't want to crash
or get caught speeding
or change lanes too fast
and have my creative license revoked

Tuesday, December 16

scary @ me, continued (2)

to keep the scary @ me poem going:

i wanna write a love poem
but i am afraid
what if i get a preposition that i can't refuse
in my heart
opposite my head
beside my pride
outside my control.....

Monday, December 15


i forgot
how easily
you make me smile

well actually it ain't easy
you just.
have the inside track

thanks, no really, thanks.

Saturday, December 13

my fave...

Dear World,
Stop sleeping on Jean Grae.


This chick is just so sick:

My Crew - Jean Grae

Friday, December 12

scary @ me©

scary @ me

i wanna write a love poem
but i am afraid
what if my alliterations ain't good enough
will i regret risking rejection
or punish myself for punking out on this poetic process.

i wanna write a love poem
but i am afraid
what if i have to change my style
you know I don't be rhyming
and at times I'm off with my timing
is this poem worth all the climbing
out of my comfort zone?

i wanna write a love poem
but i am afraid
I don't want to look like an oxymoron
because at times I am clearly misunderstood
and then things can get pretty ugly...

can you hand me your heart a pen?

*scary @ me: a term coined by my e-sister PBG meaning I am scared of ________.

Thursday, December 11

nikki be speaking to me...

This poem accurately describes how I am feeling. Thanks, Nikki G.

CHOICES, by Nikki Giovanni

If i can't do
what i want to do
then my job is to not
do what i don't want
to do

It's not the same thing
but it's the best i can

If i can't have
what i want . . . then
my job is to want
what i've got
and be satisfied
that at least there
is something more to want

Since i can't go
where i need
to go . . . then i must . . . go
where the signs point
through always understanding
parallel movement
isn't lateral

When i can't express
what i really feel
i practice feeling
what i can express
and none of it is equal

I know
but that's why mankind
alone among the animals
learns to cry

Wednesday, December 10

find a way.

compass, check.
map, check.
gps, check.
still lost.
good thing,
my travel companion
is used to roaming.

Find A Way - A Tribe Called Quest

Y'all, I swear I am the most scatterbrained individual I know when it comes to my life outside of work. I think I just have too many thoughts running around in my head, and once it is quitting time they explode. I wish it exploded more like fireworks, all pretty and colorful, instead of an abandoned building being demolished. Well, at least after demolition you can rebuild, so there is hope for me after all.

naturally alise

Tuesday, December 9


I'm a little sad.
I'm a little happy.
and mixed emotions weigh more.
than the sum of their parts.
so right now.
don't tell me.
to lighten up.

Monday, December 8


I often write fragments of poems, and go back at a later date and combine those pieces to make them into what I hope will be masterpieces. It is my creative process and it seems to work for me, so occasionally I will share my fragments, here is one I wrote just a second ago:

i admire your focus
it allows me to be:
your beautiful distraction.

Sunday, December 7

F*ck Poets

I first posted this blog as a guest blog in October on Luvvie's Random Rants (Hey e-sis!) I wanted to share it with my readership as well.... here goes:

So check it, I am a poet/spoken word artist. I actually love the scene and have met some wonderful creative folks that are like family to me….. BUT, I have met some that are a tad bit annoying as well. I will break down folks down real quick for ya followed by a poem just for them! (I’m charitable and sh*t)

"Roses are red, There's a Conspiracy against the blue..."

· The Everything is Deep Cats: These artists will make everything deep, I am not talking about the conspiracy theorists/pseudo revolutionaries (I’ll get to them later). I am talking about the ones who get on stage and yammer on for 15 minutes about peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Boo, boo, boo yo’ ass.

· The Pseudo Intellectuals: These are the artists that frown down on anyone that does not speak the King’s English at all times and use “big-words”, even though their grasp of the English language is quite suspect on some Jesse Jackson type of word creation. I want to give them the CeCe Penniston “Keep on Walking” deuces.

· PT Venues: This is an acronym coined by a poet friend of mine, meaning “Poet Time”. It is kind of like CP Time but infinitely worse. Nuff said.

· Judgemental Artists: Ain’t that a borderline oxymoron for ya. It amazes me how someone can be so “enlightened” and “free-spirited” but have the nerve to be close-minded and bigoted. But every poem they perform is about brotherhood and togetherness, blah, blah, blah. Hypocrites make me gag.

· Conspiracy “Theorists” – I put theorist in quotes because a theory is: ‘A coherent statement or set of statements that attempts to explain observed phenomena.’. And these “theorists” are not coherent by any means. I want to break this to them: Everything is not a grand scheme by the Man intended to hold Black folks down. That is a PSA, but of course they will “theorize” that I am a part of the oppressor’s master plan. Can’t win with them.

Here is my ode to the aforementioned:

F*ck Poets

F*ck poets!
...and not the way they would like me to
even though if I did, they'd pen a rhyme that is a metaphor for life about my g-spot
put my business in the street with perfect meter and rhyme scheme
never can let something just be..... what it is
find deep meaning in mash potatoes and gravy,
with whom conspiracy theory is the school of thought at all times
and if you don't concur, then step.
yeah, F*ck poets.

F*ck poets!
...and not the way they’d like me to
even though if I did, they'd frown on my screams and moans
not profound enough, oh shit can't describe what they are putting down
they would rather hear me say: passionate pulsation producing perspiration, plotting for your precious prize,
it's so good is not good enough
uh huh, F*ck poets

F*ck poets!
...and not the way that they'd like me to
even though they'd miss out anyway
they 're on poet time and the show will never start on schedule
tardy is their preferred time of day
where 10 minutes late is on time, and early is a 1 hour delay
and you'll never get your name on my open mic or (legs) list.
that's right I said it, F*ck poets

F*ck poets….
And not the way that they’d like me to
Even though if I did they would prematurely ejaculate their opinion on …ummmm… well, everything
Stroke their own egos and agendas.
Making it rain all over my belief parade before my float makes it one block
And force me to shout “Judge Deez.!”
Yup. F*ck poets.

F*ck poets!
And not the what that they’d like me to
Even though if I did they’d swear it was so good that it has to be a conspiracy
That my womanly parts are a set up by the man
Put in Black America to distract and lead revolutionaries astray
Well, I can kinda see that one.
I digress, but still, F*ck poets!

-Naturally Alise, 2008

Saturday, December 6

just because...


I swear when you spoke you sparked such a pyrotechnic display of smoldering sultriness, that I couldn't help but sweat you...
-Naturally Alise, (click here to read or hear entire poem)

Friday, December 5


revelation haiku

u asked a question
i lied about who i am
answer: i don't know

Thursday, December 4

le sigh...

miss u ?
Lost in a labyrinth of lonely.
Longing to linger and loiter in your laughter again.
At times you may feel my emotional lexicon is lacking
I am tired of trying to total these thoughts:
..... with the miniscule mouthing of "miss you"

myspace comments

Wednesday, December 3

exceptional moths

So me and Nikki G. was hanging out (in my mind) last night, and I wrote this poem to someone who needs to read it even though it is weird and random, but they'll understand it, and she read me a poem of hers that I dig, and then I woke up.

what is good for you
ain't... always good for you
but it don't mean you shouldn't have it
what you need
aint... always needed
but you can want it anyways
what you say
aint always what you mean
but it doesn't mean don't say it
we'll figure it all out, ok?

“Poem (for Ema)”
Nikki Giovanni

though i do wonder
why you intrigue me
i recognize that an exceptional moth
is always drawn
to an exceptional flame

you’re not at all what you appear
to be
though not so very different

i've not learned
the acceptable way of saying
you fascinate me
i’ve not even learned
how to say i like you
without frightening people

sometimes i see things
that aren’t really there
like warmth and kindness
when people are mean
but sometimes i see things
like fear and want to sooth it
or fatigue and want to share it
or love and want to receive it

is that weird
you think everyone is weird
though you’re not really hypocritical
you just practice not being
what you want to be
and fail to understand
how others would dare
to be otherwise
that’s weird to me

flames don’t flicker
and moths are born to be burned

it’s an unusual way
to start a friendship
but nothing lasts forever

Tuesday, December 2


i miss you
you misses i
eyes miss you.
i miss the idea of you
the you of you
the me and you.
that is all.

Monday, December 1

Cuddle Time!

I have seen a lot of people blog about this, but I must have it! What is it? It is a Snuggie. Since I can't get my cuddle on the regular, the Snuggie is the next best thing, dangit! This is also a hint, hint of what I want for Christmas, Kwanzaa, Grandparent's Day, Friday, I don't care. I want all colors so I can Cooooordinate with my Snuggie.



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