Wednesday, December 3

exceptional moths

So me and Nikki G. was hanging out (in my mind) last night, and I wrote this poem to someone who needs to read it even though it is weird and random, but they'll understand it, and she read me a poem of hers that I dig, and then I woke up.

what is good for you
ain't... always good for you
but it don't mean you shouldn't have it
what you need
aint... always needed
but you can want it anyways
what you say
aint always what you mean
but it doesn't mean don't say it
we'll figure it all out, ok?

“Poem (for Ema)”
Nikki Giovanni

though i do wonder
why you intrigue me
i recognize that an exceptional moth
is always drawn
to an exceptional flame

you’re not at all what you appear
to be
though not so very different

i've not learned
the acceptable way of saying
you fascinate me
i’ve not even learned
how to say i like you
without frightening people

sometimes i see things
that aren’t really there
like warmth and kindness
when people are mean
but sometimes i see things
like fear and want to sooth it
or fatigue and want to share it
or love and want to receive it

is that weird
you think everyone is weird
though you’re not really hypocritical
you just practice not being
what you want to be
and fail to understand
how others would dare
to be otherwise
that’s weird to me

flames don’t flicker
and moths are born to be burned

it’s an unusual way
to start a friendship
but nothing lasts forever


Kryssy on December 3, 2008 at 4:01 PM said...

i've not learned
the acceptable way of saying
you fascinate me
i’ve not even learned
how to say i like you
without frightening people

Girl you better PREACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NaturallyAlise on December 3, 2008 at 6:51 PM said...

@ kryssy, yes Nikki Giovanni be on it! always on point....

[fŭng'kē] [blak] [chik] on December 4, 2008 at 3:15 PM said...

this is my all time favorite! it brings back so many memories!

suga on December 15, 2008 at 1:51 PM said...

Alise, I loved your poem. I will definitely have to feature it in one of my truth posts.

Did I give you permission to post the one song Erro wrote for me, on your blog? "Pretty Girl" lol



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