Tuesday, December 23

Luvvie ain't no thug...

Luvvie, member of my ePosse (which is actually 4 members not 3, but until Zee gets a blog she is on ePosse probabtion) whall be put on blast (and for the rest of the week). Luvvie has delusions of grandeur that she is some sort of thug being, au contraire mon frere is what I say.....

me: me and pbg been picking on u today
luvvie20: why?
me: talmbout u aint no thug
she said u dont have beef, u have tofu
luvvie20: hahahahaha
i hate that i love her
me: and i called you a Jive Tofurkey
luvvie20: lmao
hater ass hater
me: its funny though
i am not a hater, I'm a strong disliker
luvvie20: a severe abhorer
me: i an abhorer
luvvie20: hahaha
get out my head
me: all my favorite bloggers posted today and i havent had time to read
luvvie20: i aint posted
welll i jus did
i stand by the jacquard one
me: i am on the verge of quitting u
luvvie20: lol why u tryna quit me?
me: you are on probationary quit period
luvvie20: what i do??
me: iono
just sounded fun to say
luvvie20: lol


The Pretty Brown Girl on December 23, 2008 at 9:51 AM said...

Luvvie is Tofu personified. With a 'fro like broccoli.

Luvvie on December 23, 2008 at 7:23 PM said...

Yall the worst ePosse EVER :-( *sniff*

I hate you, Tumble McWeederson!!!



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