Sunday, December 21

Tagged by the weirdo Luvvie...

Ok. well the baby aged and fisted Luvvie, member of my ePosse (PBG is the third) tagged me, so here goes nuffin':

Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself.

1. I have a book. That is not weird or random, but I think you should check it out, it is only $10 and all the cool kids AND Luvvie are buying and reading it, check the link at the top right hand corner of the page or below:

Alise's poetry collection, "Alise in Wonderland", is now available online for purchase, click (this link) or the 'Add to Cart' button to purchase. Thanks, and happy reading!

2. I abhor Ranch Dressing (which almost got me kicked out of the ePosse), it is scary @ me, even the smell of it makes me naseous. This also includes Cool Ranch Doritos, ick.

3. I eat an inordinate amount of cereal. I eat it everyday, usually not for breakfast. All types of Cheerios make my heart smile.

4. I own all the seasons of Seinfeld on DVD (I love Seinfeld and Wu Tang Clan, go figure, lol)

5. I am addicted to Madden & Sims 2, it is not out of the ordinary for me to skip sleep to play these games.

6. I own a ridiculous amount of eyeshadow, I mentioned on twitter today that I need to add a wing on the house just to store it. Eyeshadow makes the world go round. Speaking of eyeshadow check out me and PBG's favorite beauty blog: Clumps of Mascara. This is my favorite eyeshadow below:

7. I don't like salads, except for green salads, I don't like potato salad, pasta salad, macaroni salad, cole slaw, etc.... why in the paprika hell would I eat this below?:


The Pretty Brown Girl on December 21, 2008 at 6:08 PM said...

That potato salad is all bad. Too much paprika.

I'm getting that eye shadow the next time I see it. I need to try those colors.

Ranch dressing is good, although not my fave. It's just always here.

I have your book (I love it) and I've never been into Seinfeld.

Kryssy on December 21, 2008 at 7:07 PM said...

oh my goodness... I'm soooo with you on the eating cereal (for all meals), and the Sims 2!!!! =)

Luvvie on December 21, 2008 at 7:52 PM said...

So you CLEARLY want me to stalk you b/c my love for you just got deeper. The Sims is THE SHIT!! My BFF still remembers an incident in college where I was playing the Sims and I forgot to close out my AIM. Well she was blowing my AIM up and it made my Sims game wonky. She got a major cussout on THAT day. She still brings it up today.

ChiChi on December 22, 2008 at 11:16 AM said...

Ummmm, I am the Cereal Queen. Don't try to take my title. LOL

NaturallyAlise on December 22, 2008 at 11:55 AM said...

@ ChiChi10, can we be co-queens? *pout*

suga on December 24, 2008 at 1:26 AM said...

I am in love with all things L'Oreal HiP!!!

NaturallyAlise on December 24, 2008 at 6:07 AM said...


Girl yes! I have every single color, even the powdery stuff. I even have some of the cool colored eyeliners...



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