Wednesday, December 10

find a way.

compass, check.
map, check.
gps, check.
still lost.
good thing,
my travel companion
is used to roaming.

Find A Way - A Tribe Called Quest

Y'all, I swear I am the most scatterbrained individual I know when it comes to my life outside of work. I think I just have too many thoughts running around in my head, and once it is quitting time they explode. I wish it exploded more like fireworks, all pretty and colorful, instead of an abandoned building being demolished. Well, at least after demolition you can rebuild, so there is hope for me after all.

naturally alise


Ain HD on December 10, 2008 at 8:37 PM said...

There's always hope! Focus, focus, focus, sis. I can relate. I'm all over the place most of the time. The scatterbrain syndrome can be a beautiful things. Rather several thoughts than no thoughts! :-)



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