Monday, December 22

Luvvie is evil and must be stopped...


The ePosse consists of me, Luvvie & The PBG. Here is a peak in on our daily n0nsense:

This is what I have to go through everyday with the Ig One known as Luvvie.... But today I had the upper hand. Here is our daily hair battle!

Luvvie : well crunchy fro wishes r too
Alise: u were the first to wish a cruchy fro on me for the record
Luvvie : was i???
Alise: i got the recipts
Luvvie : i dont believe u
Luvvie : summon ur peeps
Luvvie : lol show me the receipts!
Alise: see my nerdy ass will really go find it too, lol
Alise: i shall not appease you ol' sandpaper fro essence
Luvvie : ol cacti follicled self
Alise: Tumbleweed Torrid Tresses
Alise: Calcified Coif
Luvvie : lmao!!!
Alise: and my requisite insult: Straw Hairhat
Luvvie : lol
Luvvie : dumb
Luvvie : i was gon call u arid hairhat


Luvvie on December 22, 2008 at 10:20 AM said...

DANG IT! U did win this battle, but it was only b/c I am babysitting my niece and with her on my lap, I couldn't hit the jugular like I usually do.

And LOL @ both you and PBG featuring gchats of me on your blogs today. Maybe I should return the favor.

The Pretty Brown Girl on December 22, 2008 at 10:20 AM said...

Both of ya'lls Afro's need a pink lotion/dax/glover's mane cocktail!!


NaturallyAlise on December 22, 2008 at 10:35 AM said...

NOT Glover's Mane!!!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!! Luvvie need some Sportin' Waves and a Duke's

Blackberry Molasses/The Rebel Intellectual on December 22, 2008 at 1:28 PM said...

the two of you


Kryssy on December 22, 2008 at 5:11 PM said...

well damn... lol



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