Monday, August 31

30th Blog Poetry Slam: Disappointment

Well today my poetry brethren and sistren I was supposed to have a guest poet bring us our Blog Poetry Slam to help commemorate the 30th Blog Slam Party, le sigh, but the guest poet couldn't come through to contribute this week, so I am rather disappointed. But, what other way is more fitting to voice my disappointment and sadness? ....well a poem of course! So today I say we write about disappointment, or you could cheer me up by writing about the opposite of disappointment or how to ease it. Write a poem, it can be long or even something short like a haiku, they all mean just as much to me! Thanks for your continued support of this blog, my poetry, and for making me smile with every visit, comment, and word of love. It means WAY more than you will ever know. I love all of you! So I will post my poem after the picture, and then it is your turn to show me some poetic love. Happy Writing!

*also there will be surprises and fun the rest of the week, so stay tuned*

on who can you depend?
i guess it depends
but really,
being dependent sucks
i need yous always seems to get twisted
and patience ain't nothing but waiting.
pending funds still equals broke

but independent is sometimes lonely
and you have only yourself to blame
for disappointment.
but then again,
it all depends.

Sunday, August 30


This week will be the 30th Poetry Blog slam. I will be featuring some awesome blogging poets that I love to help me celebrate. I also will have a great giveaway this Friday. Please join the fun that will come this week!

Naturally Alise

Monday, August 24

Blog Poetry Slam 29: VENT!

This is the 29th installment of my weekly Blog Poetry Slam, so glad you stopped on by. Sometimes you get so angry you have to let it out in a poem, so I thought this week we should vent some frustration we have through poetry. I am interested to see what you can come up with..... Do you accept the challenge? I am gonna share a piece after the picture and another in the comments, please join me... I look forward to reading your poems in the comments, they can be short (even haiku), long, serious, or funny: it's up to you! Happy Writing!

My vent to a spoken word host:

If by revolutionary you mean talking in circles
....and circumventing responsibility,
then by all means you are the spokesperson......
I ain't buying the fight the power act.....

love, life, and loss.....

that's what causes a creative commotion in my cranium

when pain permeates my person and pummels and pounds my peace

it is the real revolutions, revelations, and resolutions
that relieve my worries, weary, and woes
but hey that's just me


Friday, August 21 world

the world.
is simply
my words
plus l's
words and love
words and loss
words and life.
simply put.
and mine.

enjoy some music:

Nas The World Is Yours
Uploaded by avajra. - Watch more music videos, in HD!

Haiku Birthday E.

you are a big guy
yet amazingly your heart
is the tallest part

Happy Birthday Elliot...

Thursday, August 20

focus baby...

i must remind you that
to find focus
you must first...
open your eyes.


i admire
your focus
it allows me
to be
your beautiful distraction


instead of the stress
just focus your eyes on me
i'm a lot cuter

Tuesday, August 18


i'd say i'm stir crazy
but that ain't quite right
because my crazy is sitting still
and i sure could use
some stirring up.....

That's an old little piece of poem I wrote and it pretty much sums me up. I find myself to be a moderately sane woman most days, but sometimes you wouldn't be able to tell by some of the things I listen to. I was going throuh my music collection and realized some of my favorite songs are rather psycho, random and/or mysoginistic. Let's take a journey through my iTunes

*I think the story line is pretty damn interesting and realistic, clever, but kind of crude*

*I dare you not to tell me this isn't entertaining...*

*I love any song with a story, point blank... and it's B.I.G. for goodness sake, lol*


*I think Joe Budden is certifiable though...but I love it*

Monday, August 17

Blog Poetry Slam 28: "I Miss You"

This is the 28th installment of my weekly Blog Poetry Slam, so glad you stopped on by. Last year for a while my significant other was traveling extensively and so we were separated a lot, during that time I wrote a lot of "Miss You" poems...I thought an interesting writing prompt would be poems about, to, or from something or someone we miss. I am interested to see what you can come up with..... Do you accept the challenge? I am gonna share a piece after the picture and another in the comments, please join me... I look forward to reading your poems, they can be short (even haiku), long, serious, or funny: it's up to you! Happy Writing!

(I'm gonna share 2)


My feelings for you make none.
Because last night
I swear I heard your touch
And smelled your smile
And saw your voice.
And I haven't been able to sleep...

i miss ya babe.


"miss you?"

Lost in a labyrinth of lonely.
Longing to linger and loiter in your laughter again.
At times you may feel my emotional lexicon is lacking
I am tired of trying to total these thoughts:
..... with the miniscule mouthing of "miss you"


Friday, August 14

cherry pie...

smile cycles...

you make me smile...
and you love when i smile...
and i smile because you love it...
how about that for a vicious cycle?

Tuesday, August 11

Blog Poetry Slam 27: Parts of Speech

This is the 27th installment of my weekly Blog Poetry Slam, so glad you stopped on by. I thought an interesting writing prompt would be parts of speech. Write about nouns, verbs, adverbs, sh*t even expletives, lol, go for it! So many different ways you can approach this. I am interested to see what you can come up with..... Do you accept the challenge? I am gonna share a piece after the picture and another in the comments, please join me... I look forward to reading your poems, they can be short (even haiku), long, serious, or funny: it's up to you! Happy Writing!

I need someone's subject to complement my predicate

I need some verbs agreeing

No false hopes of dangling participles dead end fragments

and repeated bullshit of run-ons

How bout some noun and verb agreement

oops scratch that line

I need someone who is going to proofread my bullshit

But not get salty when their page has some red ink too

I need an intro, a body, and if it don't work out....

A mature conclusion

I need the stability of some prose

But the flexibility of poetry

Sometimes reading to your self,

But at times I need your spoken word

I don't want a term paper of what we'll be together

But rather an outline of the future

To bring those scratch paper scribbles and doodling to reality

And not count them out as mindless daydreams…

I need my empty page overfilled with words,

So I can build on them with adjectives and adverbs,

Making each other better and making things clearer,

Adding a little spice with alliterations, idioms, and rhyme,

Because all work and no wordplay makes Alise a dull gal….

Your turn!

Saturday, August 8

calisthenics... ...

out of breath.
heart racing.
blinded... sweat dripping in my eye...

love is wearing me out.

but then again
exercises in futility.....
tend to do that.

Friday, August 7

Cramp Chronicles...

If I see Mother Nature on the streets I'm fighting her on site...
Trip her up and bust her head to the white meat!
Alise: I'll kick her in her stupid legs, her stupid arms, and her stupid head, lol

Today I am having the period from the Dereon Pits of Hell (c) Luvvie , My cramps are killing me not so softly, so I had a bit of a tantrum on twitter today, I'm allowed... It also reminded me of an old Luvvie post called Fighting Eve, please check it out and also vote for her in the Black Weblog Awards for Best Humor & Best Personal Blog. VOTE.

So here is my rant:

If cramps were a mythical beast I would slay it....
If cramps were G-Money I'd Nino Brown them...
If cramps were Lil Wayne I'd beat 'em like a cop...
If cramps were a knee I'd Drake them...
If cramps were an ear I'd Tyson it...
MY FAVORITE: If cramps were a career I'd Diddy them..
These cramps are so bad I would wear a head to toe Dereon outfit if that would make them stop..
If cramps were childhood innocence I'd Joe Jackson them...
If cramps were a hiphop track I'd murder it..
If cramps were Luvvie's hair I'd put it out of its misery...
If cramps were high fashion I'd Dereon them...
These cramps got me feeling weepier than T.O. cutting onions...
If cramps were a hot playlist I'd Plies them...
If cramps were dignity, respect, and pride I'd Gucci Mane them...
I think my cramps just tried to kick in my door waving the .44.... not nice. not ncie at all...
If cramps were web browsing I'd IE them...

My buddy LDot on twitter even added his two cents:

Ldot @NaturallyAlise I got one for you.... If cramps were Ja Rule you'd 50 Cent them...

Monday, August 3

Blog Poetry Slam 26: First

This is the 26th installment of my weekly Blog Poetry Slam, so glad you stopped on by. I thought an interesting writing prompt would be first. Write about your first time doing something, a first impression, first ammendment or even coming in first place. So many diffrent ways you can approach this. I am interested to see what you can come up with..... Do you accept the challenge? I am gonna share a piece after the picture and another in the comments, please join me... I look forward to reading your poems, they can be short (even haiku), long, serious, or funny: it's up to you! Happy Writing!

She never came in first.
Never won a game.
Been a close second... always.
Well she was the first loser if that counts.
A B-student.
An overachiever that never achieved the top spot.
Kept trying nonetheless.
And with him,
the same.
Not first.
Never could beat out the life struggles,
the art,
the obligations,
the needs of everyone else
Whoever said love is a gamble
Told the truth .
Because the house always wins.
Never her.
Nor her heart.
Always second.


I think I'm ready to let you see the real me,
Unedited, live in stereo, the shit I never wanted anyone to see
Far from a simple woman, but really not too complex,
I just try to live in the moment, who knows what's next,
So let me set the record straight
I am tired of being misunderstood......

You may think I am a slacker, bullshitter, regretter
I swear I want to be a go-getter,
Once i figure what I want to go get
I am sure there are great things to which I aspire
But constant indecision constantly puts out my fire
Past demons scare away the potential I hold,
I am holding a full house, but still I fold...
...and bend and hold back
But yet youl judge me, not realizing I too am mourning bad decisions I can never get back.
You see my Boardwalk dreams get lost somewhere in this Baltic Ave. reality
But I always stop myself and realize I can't pass go with this mentality...

I know you want to know what lies behind this smile,
It's no front, but this countenace keeps me going in this world so vile.
There is therapy in my every grimace, smirk, and grin,
My silliness is compex, it is the patch when my happiness wears thin...
The comedy comes from pain,
Laughter stops my soul's rain.....
So know I am no clown here for your amusement,
In fact I'm your patient and you heal me with every chuckle spent...

I'm not a flirt and I will tell you why,
I prefer you call me a social butterfly,
I am not craving attention,
I just feed off of human connection.
It brings me joy to make someone feel they are the only peron in the room,
But when I project that energy, people always assume...
That I have alterior motives, tricks up my sleeve
But my world will not be ruled by what others perceive
I will not allow anyone to clip my free spirit's wings,
My voice will not be caged , it needsno one's permission to sing.

Sunday, August 2


Exhausted but cannot sleep
...mind running in ellipses
(I'm too cool for circles)
Is an active mind,
an angel's playground?
in which I seesaw with divine rhymes
Swing on verses
and chase ideas through the clouds
...until I fall asleep.


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