Tuesday, August 18


i'd say i'm stir crazy
but that ain't quite right
because my crazy is sitting still
and i sure could use
some stirring up.....

That's an old little piece of poem I wrote and it pretty much sums me up. I find myself to be a moderately sane woman most days, but sometimes you wouldn't be able to tell by some of the things I listen to. I was going throuh my music collection and realized some of my favorite songs are rather psycho, random and/or mysoginistic. Let's take a journey through my iTunes

*I think the story line is pretty damn interesting and realistic, clever, but kind of crude*

*I dare you not to tell me this isn't entertaining...*

*I love any song with a story, point blank... and it's B.I.G. for goodness sake, lol*


*I think Joe Budden is certifiable though...but I love it*




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