Monday, August 31

30th Blog Poetry Slam: Disappointment

Well today my poetry brethren and sistren I was supposed to have a guest poet bring us our Blog Poetry Slam to help commemorate the 30th Blog Slam Party, le sigh, but the guest poet couldn't come through to contribute this week, so I am rather disappointed. But, what other way is more fitting to voice my disappointment and sadness? ....well a poem of course! So today I say we write about disappointment, or you could cheer me up by writing about the opposite of disappointment or how to ease it. Write a poem, it can be long or even something short like a haiku, they all mean just as much to me! Thanks for your continued support of this blog, my poetry, and for making me smile with every visit, comment, and word of love. It means WAY more than you will ever know. I love all of you! So I will post my poem after the picture, and then it is your turn to show me some poetic love. Happy Writing!

*also there will be surprises and fun the rest of the week, so stay tuned*

on who can you depend?
i guess it depends
but really,
being dependent sucks
i need yous always seems to get twisted
and patience ain't nothing but waiting.
pending funds still equals broke

but independent is sometimes lonely
and you have only yourself to blame
for disappointment.
but then again,
it all depends.




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