Monday, August 3

Blog Poetry Slam 26: First

This is the 26th installment of my weekly Blog Poetry Slam, so glad you stopped on by. I thought an interesting writing prompt would be first. Write about your first time doing something, a first impression, first ammendment or even coming in first place. So many diffrent ways you can approach this. I am interested to see what you can come up with..... Do you accept the challenge? I am gonna share a piece after the picture and another in the comments, please join me... I look forward to reading your poems, they can be short (even haiku), long, serious, or funny: it's up to you! Happy Writing!

She never came in first.
Never won a game.
Been a close second... always.
Well she was the first loser if that counts.
A B-student.
An overachiever that never achieved the top spot.
Kept trying nonetheless.
And with him,
the same.
Not first.
Never could beat out the life struggles,
the art,
the obligations,
the needs of everyone else
Whoever said love is a gamble
Told the truth .
Because the house always wins.
Never her.
Nor her heart.
Always second.




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